NSW law firm to be investigated over allegations of drug and sex culture


Shocking revelations about the culture at a leading law firm as six of its attorneys face an investigation over allegations of sex, blackmail and the moment kids found a cocaine-encrusted $20 bill in the office kitchen.

  • Lawyers investigated for allegations of drug culture
  • Leading Law Firm in the Spotlight

A leading law firm is under investigation over allegations that several of its workers used drugs, blackmailed colleagues and made sexual advances to colleagues at an office party.

The NSW firm, which cannot be identified for legal reasons, has come under the spotlight following a criminal trial of one of its lawyers.

The lawyer had been accused of felonies and one of his colleagues took him to trial before being found not guilty.

Evidence presented in the criminal trial raised questions about the workplace and behavior of six high-level staff members among the group.

A leading law firm is under investigation over allegations that several of its workers used drugs, blackmailed colleagues and had sex with each other at office parties (file image)

One of the lawyers had just attended a formal ceremony where they were admitted as lawyers to the NSW High Court, the daily telegraph informed.

The court heard that they allegedly arranged to supply their colleagues with cocaine to celebrate their recent admission within hours of the ceremony.

Senior staff presented evidence alleging that colleagues and peers used drugs and engaged in sexual acts during office parties and social functions.

The court heard that a lawyer was allegedly caught taking cocaine from a microwave dish and sharing the drug.

A worker went to the office the next day with his children to do some work.

The court heard that they allegedly found a $20 bill encrusted with cocaine, before cleaning it up and allowing the children to spend the money on pizza.

The court heard that another lawyer allegedly made sexual advances to his colleagues during one of the parties.

Another lawyer allegedly planned to blackmail a colleague because he wanted his job, the court heard.

The court heard that the lawyer allegedly told the colleague to resign or his partner would be told about his alleged illegal behavior.

The judge said the lawyers would be referred for an investigation by the NSW Law Society and the Office of the Legal Services Commissioner.

The NSW firm, which cannot be identified for legal reasons, has come under the spotlight following a criminal trial of one of its lawyers (file image)

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