NSW government to review Anzac Day trading hours for retailers

NSW Government to review Anzac Day trading hours for retailers

  • Most retailers are not allowed to open until 1 p.m. on April 25
  • NSW government seeks feedback

NSW shops could soon open all day on Anzac Day after the state government announced a review of trading laws.

Under the current Retail Trading Act 2008, traders such as supermarkets, fashion stores and other retailers are not allowed to open their doors until 1pm on Anzac Day each year.

Pharmacies, petrol stations, markets, cafes and takeaway restaurants are exempt from the rule.

The state’s Labor government launched a review of retail laws on April 25 and is seeking to hear community and stakeholder views on whether restrictions should be eased.

Shopping areas such as Sydney’s Pitt Street Mall (pictured) could soon trade for longer on Anzac Day each year

The NSW Government is asking for feedback on the current Anzac Day trading restrictions for retailers. Pictured during the Anzac March in Sydney earlier this year

Opinion poll

Should Anzac Day trading hours be extended?

  • Yes 1 votes
  • No 1 votes
  • Need more details 0 votes

Anzac Day marks the anniversary of the first major military action by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War, at Gallipoli in 1915.

The day is marked by a number of traditions, including sunrise and sunset services, veterans’ marches and wreath-laying ceremonies.

Trading restrictions were imposed to allow workers and business operators to participate in commemorative and community events and pay their own respects.

Following a recent debate over whether Anzac Day is being appropriately recognised, Industrial Relations Minister Sophie Cotsis wants to hear from businesses, unions and RSLs about their views on the change.

“We want to hear whether retail workers and others would appreciate a greater opportunity to commemorate Anzac Day in NSW,” she said.

Regulations vary by jurisdiction, with retailers open from early afternoon in some states and closed all day in others, with no restrictions in place in either area.

Most retailers, like those on Pitt Street Mall, cannot open until 1 p.m. on Anazac Day each year

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