Not sure which game to play? Leave a comment, we will help you

One of the best parts of our job at Polygon is recommending great new games to play. Whether it’s indie games, fun games, board games, or just the best of the year, we always try to introduce readers to new and exciting choices. Lists are a great way to share a variety of games in a short time. But sometimes it’s nice to do something more personal.

That’s why we regularly have an open thread dedicated to helping you, our dear readers, find the perfect game to play right now. Looking for a narrative science fiction epic where you have to battle the techno-embodiment of God? We got you. Want a five-minute distraction to break the daily grind? We have you there too.

From 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM EDT, I’ll be answering your questions and making requests about what you should play in the comments section below. We previously programmed this as a weekly movie column, but we’ll be moving that version to a monthly schedule, with more non-movie recommendation threads coming your way week after week.

I should add that this is also a great place for some sharing you played, if you want to talk about that with your fellow Polygon readers! Participation is very welcome, even without questions.

To tell you a little about your curator this time, I’m Ana Diaz, a culture writer at Polygon. I contribute to MinnMax, a podcast and Patreon-supported network started by a fantastic group of ex-Game Informer people. I can be a bit over the top online. Listeners will probably know me for going ‘wild’ during our Cream of the Steam show, where we play random games on Steam and scream Final fantasy 7. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like thinking about games in different contexts. I love everything local, including video games. As a result, I’ve become deeply invested in the games being made in Minnesota and even spoke with a developer as part of an ongoing series for the Museum of Contemporary Art in the Twin Cities.

At Polygon I play a lot of trendy viral games, like Palworld or Deadly company. However, I grew up with the classic Nintendo catalog and discovered how to run a SNES emulator on my family’s laptop when I was thirteen. Nowadays I tend to combine playing live games with my other interests. I play Honkai: Starrail daily and Fortnite a few times a week. In between those games, I clear any non-running game I’m currently interested in. Right now I’m working my way through the narrative sci-fi adventure 1000x resistance, and I’ve done challenge runs with my 18-year-old cousin The Sims4.

Now it’s time to turn it around on you. What would you like to play this weekend (or what are you planning to play)? Leave a request in the comments and I’ll get to it between 3:30 PM and 5:30 PM EDT. Details help: Let me know what you’re looking for, an idea of ​​your tastes as a viewer, and any other relevant information you want to share (like the streaming services you have access to, or what it was about the show you watched). if you want to emulate something).

Here are two examples of good searches from last month’s games edition:

See you in the comments at 3:30 PM EDT! In the meantime, fire off your requests.

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