Northeastern University letter bomb had note railing against Mark Zuckerberg and virtual reality


May 25, 1978: A passerby found a package, addressed and stamped, in a parking lot at the University of Illinois, Chicago Circle Campus. The package was returned to the person listed at the return address, Northwestern University Professor Buckley Crist, Jr. He didn’t recognize the package and called campus security. The package exploded when opened and injured the security guard.

May 9, 1979: A graduate student at Northwestern University is injured when he opens a box that looked like a present. It had been left in a room used by graduate students.

November 15, 1979: American Airlines Flight 444, flying from Chicago to Washington, DC, fills with smoke after a bomb is detonated in the baggage compartment. The plane lands safely, as the bomb did not work as intended. Several passengers have inhaled smoke.

June 10, 1980: United Airlines President Percy Woods is injured when he opened a package containing a bomb encased in a book called Ice Brothers by Sloan Wilson.

October 8, 1981: A bomb wrapped in brown paper and tied with twine is discovered in the hallway of a building at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. The bomb is safely detonated without causing injury.

May 5, 1982: A bomb sent to the head of the computer science department at Vanderbilt University injures his secretary after she opened it in his office.

July 2, 1982: A parcel bomb left in the Cory Hall cafeteria at the University of California, Berkeley explodes, injuring a professor of engineering.

May 15, 1985: A new bomb in Cory Hall of the University of California, Berkeley injures an engineering student.

June 13, 1985: A suspicious package sent to the Boeing Fabrication Division in Washington is safely detonated, but most forensic evidence is lost.

November 15, 1985: A psychology professor at the University of Michigan and his assistant are injured when they open a package containing a three-ring binder containing a bomb. Included with the bombing was a letter asking the professor to revise a student’s master’s thesis.

December 11, 1985: A bomb left in the parking lot of a Sacramento computer store kills the store owner.

February 20, 1987: Another bomb left in the parking lot of a computer store in Salt Lake City seriously injures the store owner’s son. A store employee sees the man leave the bomb and that witness statement helped a draftsman make the composite sketch.

June 22, 1993: A geneticist at the University of California is injured after opening a package that exploded in his kitchen.

June 24, 1993: A prominent Yale University computer scientist lost several fingers in a bomb that was sent.

December 19, 1994: An advertising executive is killed by a parcel bomb sent to his home in New Jersey.

April 24, 1995: A mailed bomb kills the president of the California Forestry Association in his Sacramento office.

January 22, 1998: Kaczynski is convicted after he confessed as part of a plea deal. He pleaded guilty to 13 counts of transporting explosives with intent to kill or maim. He faces multiple life sentences with no chance of parole and fines more than $15 million.

December 14, 2021: At age 79, Kaczynski was transferred from Colorado Supermax Prison to a federal medical facility in North Carolina.

2022: Kaczynski is in an isolated cell at the maximum security Supermax Prison in Florence, Colorado. He shares his one-hour recreation period in a 12×18 mesh cage with 1993 World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef.

Source: FBI