North Carolina homeless man rescues a litter of orphaned puppies during a storm

An anonymous homeless man is being hailed as a hero after rescuing a litter of orphaned puppies and taking them to a shelter during a storm.

The Fayetteville Animal Shelter Associationa no-kill shelter in North Carolina, opened up on January 15 in a heartfelt Facebook post about the kind-hearted local resident who likely saved the rescue dogs’ lives.

The nonprofit shared a photo of the five adorable puppies, believed to be less than two months old.

“In the aftermath of a recent storm that ripped through our area, we experienced a moment that simultaneously broke and lifted our hearts,” the shelter wrote.

An anonymous homeless man in North Carolina rescued a litter of orphaned puppies and brought them to the Fayetteville Animal Protection Society during a storm

The man left a note saying the puppies’ mother died after being hit by a car. He added that he was “sorry about leaving them behind” but that he is homeless and “can’t afford to take care of them.”

“This story is a testament to the kindness that still exists in the world, even in the most challenging of times.”

The Fayetteville Animal Protection Society explained that the puppies were left at the shelter door with a “note that tore our hearts to the core.”

“The note was from a kind soul, a homeless person “A man who, despite his own hardships, took it upon himself to save these innocent lives after their mother, a local drifter he was caring for, tragically passed away,” the shelter said.

The post included photos of the note left by the man, who apologized for not being able to care for the dogs himself.

‘Please help!’ He wrote. ‘I found these puppies sad after noticing a local stray dog ​​that I often fed when I could, dead by the roadside. She was hit by a car.’

He said he knew she had a litter of puppies and searched the area for them so they wouldn’t starve while they waited for their mother to return.

“I’m sorry to leave them like this, but I’m homeless myself and can’t afford to take care of them,” he explained. “My heart breaks for them and their mother. I just want them to have the opportunity that their mother, like me, never got.

“Please don’t think bad of me, but it felt wrong to leave them alone in the cold waiting for a mother who wouldn’t come home. Kind regards, nameless man,” he concluded.

The shelter said the puppies are named Fortune, Kismet, Chance, Fate and Serendipity, a nod to their accidental rescue. Applications to adopt the rescues open February 1

More than 250 people responded to the shelter’s post in hopes of finding the homeless man and helping him the way he helped the five puppies.

The shelter promised the “compassionate individual” that his “act of kindness did not go unnoticed.”

“Your empathy in times of adversity gives us hope and inspiration,” the organization wrote. We promise to honor your selfless gesture by giving these puppies the love and care they deserve.

‘If you feel like it, please come by the shelter to visit the puppies and get a thank you!’

The Fayetteville Animal Protection Society added that it is accepting donations and has a “wish list” available for anyone who wants to help care for the puppies.

More than 250 people responded to the post in hopes of finding the homeless man and helping him like he helped the five puppies.

‘What a heart he has. Unlike so many people who could. He did what he could with what he had. That speaks volumes,” someone responded.

‘This man is an angel!! Truly a wonderful person!! I hope he turns up again and people love him like he loved these puppies and their mother,” someone else agreed.

“There are so many comments about this man and the puppies he saved, but I’ll add mine anyway because, like some others, it brought tears to my eyes,” another added. “I pray that this wonderful man is somehow found soon and that something can be done to help him get the opportunity he needs and deserves.”

The Fayetteville Animal Protection Society shared in a follow-up post that the pups have been named Fortune, Kismet, Chance, Fate and Serendipity, in a nod to their accidental rescue.

The shelter is unsure of the breed of the dogs, but it is believed they are Labrador mixes that will grow to between 25 and 45 pounds.

Applications for adoption of the puppies will open on February 1.

The organization explained that it only considers applicants who live in Cumberland County, North Carolina, because they “go home on a foster parent basis until they are old enough to be spayed or neutered.”

“Unfortunately, we still have no updates on the kind man who brought these puppies to us. Although the puppies now have names, their rescuer remains unknown. We remain hopeful that he will come forward,” the shelter added.

“Thank you for your continued support and love for these animals. Together we make a difference in their lives, one puppy at a time.”

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