Noah Brown, 3, is pictured gravely-ill in hospital after being beaten with belt ‘by babysitter aged TWELVE who got upset with him for crying’

  • Noah Brown is on life support at Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis after he was attacked with a belt and slammed into a wall on Nov. 29.
  • Police arrested a 12-year-old boy over the incident and charged him with aggravated assault, personal weapons and four counts of battery.
  • Grandmother, Candy King, claimed the babysitter had anger issues and attacked Noah because he started crying

A three-year-old boy in Indiana is fighting for his life in the hospital after he was allegedly brutally beaten by his 12-year-old babysitter.

Noah Brown is on life support at Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis after he was attacked with a belt and slammed into a wall on Nov. 29.

He was sedated due to his head injury and suffered multiple seizures as a result of the violent attack McClatchy News.

The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department arrested a young boy over the incident and charged him with aggravated assault, personal weapons and four counts of battery.

Noah's grandmother, Candy King, claimed that the babysitter has anger issues and attacked him because he started crying.

A three-year-old boy in Indiana is in the hospital and fighting for his life after he was allegedly brutally beaten by his 12-year-old babysitter

Noah Brown was sedated due to his head injury and suffered multiple seizures as a result of the violent attack

Indianapolis police arrested a young boy for the attack on Noah (pictured) and charged him with aggravated assault, personal weapons and four counts of battery

Noah was left with the 12-year-old boy before he was brutally attacked, King said.

“(The 12-year-old) has anger issues and Noah started crying,” the grandmother said.

“(He) couldn't handle it, so he hit him with a belt and threw him at the bed, hitting his head on the bed frame of the bunk bed.”

Noah's head was then rammed into a nearby wall before he got up, ran away and collapsed under a bed.

His mother Michelle Lane said: “He had to be placed on life support and had part of his skull removed due to the intensity of his injuries.

“They sedated him for his head wound. They don't want him to worry too much and stuff like that.'

Grandmother King added, “The doctors are removing the breathing tube and neck brace to see if he can breathe completely on his own and they have stopped the sedation medicine (because) they want him to fully wake up.”

The three-year-old has a long road to recovery ahead of him, which is complicated as he was battling Covid at the time of the attack.

Noah, pictured with his mother Michelle Lane, was left with the 12-year-old boy before he was brutally attacked, King said.

His mother Michelle Lane said: “He had to be placed on life support and had part of his skull removed due to the intensity of his injuries.

His mother said, “It's not guaranteed what his quality of life will be, but we're praying and hoping for the best that he comes out okay.”

Noah was described as happy and full of life before the attack.

“He loves everyone along the way. He will brighten your day, that's for sure,” his grandmother said.

'He's energetic. He is a happy little three year old. He wouldn't hurt anyone, and there's nothing stopping that kid.”

She said she wants to share what happened to Noah to make sure it never happens to anyone else.

His mother, Lane, has created an online petition to pass a law in Indiana that would raise the minimum age for babysitting to 16. has contacted the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department for additional details on the case.

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