No-nonsense Aussie judge unleashes at evil paedophile dad and gives him a reality check after his sickening claim: ‘Don’t kid yourself’


A no-nonsense judge has unleashed a 31-year-old father who used his daughter as a “bargaining chip” with pedophiles before throwing him behind bars.

The Western Australian father was charged in court in November on a string of child sexual abuse and exploitation offences.

District Court Judge Linda Black told the 31-year-old that the level of depravity in the material in his possession was 'horrific', 'graphic' and 'the worst of its kind'.

Judge Black jailed the father for 24 and a half years for his crimes, which included abusing his daughter to access other shocking images and videos of pedophiles online.

District Court Judge Linda Black (pictured) told the 31-year-old that the level of depravity in the material in his possession was 'horrific', 'graphic' and 'the worst of its kind'.

Western Australian father jailed for 24 and a half years for sexually abusing and distributing child sexual abuse and exploitation material after it emerged he used his then three-year-old daughter as a 'bargaining tool' with other pedophiles

The abuse was so vicious that Judge Black prevented the details from being read out in court, with details of the crimes given in written form instead.

Police were first informed about the man in September 2022 after an international report revealed that he sent images of his then three-year-old daughter.

Detectives then raided the man's home and found a stash of child abuse material, including explicit photos and videos of the man abusing his daughter.

Police discovered that the man had also created advertisements describing how he abused his daughter.

The material also included photos and videos of other newborn babies and deceased children being molested.

A video was also discovered showing the man had inappropriately filmed a family friend's seven-year-old child in 2019.

More than 50,000 images and 2,000 videos were seized in the raid, with Judge Black describing the stash as “on a scale and content never before seen in any of the reported decisions to which I have had access”, the spokesperson said . Western Australian reported.

Judge Black told the court the material showed 'how far from humanity' the father had strayed.

She then hit the man in a fiery tirade after he claimed in letters to the court that he was a 'good father'.

“You used what you created by abusing your own child to serve as a bargaining chip so that you could then gain access to the materials you wanted; a trade, so to speak, an exchange of your daughter for the daughters of others,” Judge Black said.

'You weren't a good father. You weren't a good person. You hurt your child. You hurt her for years.

'The fact that she still wanted to see you and came to you with open arms was because she did not yet understand that you hurt her because she trusted you. Don't fool yourself. You weren't a good father.'

Evidence showed that the man bragged in online chat rooms that he had violated his daughter since she was a baby, but the material showed that the abuse began when she was about three years old.

Judge Linda Black told the Western Australian Court (pictured) that the material found in the father's possession was 'horrifying', 'graphic' and 'the worst of its kind'. She hit the 31-year-old in a scathing tirade after he claimed he was a 'good dad'

Judge Black said it was “entirely possible” that the man sexually abused his daughter from birth, but he was not satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt.

“While I believe it is entirely possible that you sexually abused her from the moment she was born, it would ultimately be an aggravating factor to discover this and convict you on this basis, and I am not out of touch with this reasonable doubt satisfied. Judge Black said.

'The purpose of the conviction was that you became sexually aroused by images and discussions of penetrative and other extreme sexual activities with newborn babies. You actively encouraged such behavior and sought out and viewed such images.”

The father was sentenced to 24 and a half years in prison, after which he will be eligible for parole.

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