Nine expert-approved jet lag cures (including one that goes against everything you’ve ever heard)

Holidays to faraway destinations offer the opportunity to discover incredible places and really get off the beaten track.

But there’s one side effect of long-haul flights that can put a damper on the start of your break, and that’s the dreaded jet lag.

While you may have intended to explore once you land and make the most of your free time, your brain and body are telling you to get into bed and get some much-needed shut-eye.

Before you know it you’ll be wide awake at 3am wishing you could go back to sleep before sunrise.

Traveling across multiple time zones can put our bodies in physical and mental stress because our internal body clock can’t keep up with the sudden shift, sleep experts say

Why do you get jet lag?

“Traveling across multiple time zones puts both physical and mental stress on our bodies as our internal body clock can’t keep up with the sudden shift,” says Dr. Hana Patel, resident sleep expert at Time4Sleep.

“Our body clock stays in the time zone we traveled from, so essentially we need time to recalibrate to the new time zone.”

The term “body clock” means the circadian rhythm, a natural 24-hour cycle.

“Within this cycle, you can notice physical, mental, and behavioral changes as our bodies move and recognize different times of the day,” adds Dr. Patel.

“Our body responds to these changes by sending signals to feel sleepy at night and alert during the day.”

Therefore, you can feel wired at night and drowsy during the day when jet lag hits.

Eventually your biological clock will adjust, but you can speed up the process by doing what seasoned travelers do when they jet set around the world.

Here are nine expert-approved ways to cure that groggy feeling of jet lag…

1. Synchronize with the time zone

Your biological clock may be telling you it’s bedtime in the morning, but the sooner you can get into your usual routine in the new time, the better.

“Try to adjust your sleeping and eating schedule to the local time as soon as possible,” says Lee Dobson, travel expert and co-founder of boutique travel company Travel City.

“This means resisting the urge to take a nap in the middle of the day or eat at odd times according to your own time zone.”

2. Eat healthy

It’s normal to crave carbohydrate-rich meals when you’re tired, but if you’re jet-lagged, it’s better to eat healthy snacks.

“Making sure you have a variety of nutrient-dense fruits that also provide hydration is very helpful: berries, peaches, apples, pears and melons are all good examples,” says Dr. Federica Amati, food scientist and scientific advisor for supplement brand De- delivery.

“Nuts contain magnesium, fiber and complex carbohydrates that can maintain energy levels without causing an increase in blood glucose or insulin response.”

3. Hydration

“Dehydration can make jet lag symptoms worse,” says Dobson.

“Drinking plenty of water can help your body cope with the changes and promote overall well-being.”

And while a glass of wine can help you fall asleep faster, alcohol can disrupt your sleep cycle, so it’s best to avoid it if you want to acclimate faster.

4. Exposure to light

“Bright light is very powerful for adjusting our body clock,” says Nicky Kelvin, editor of the travel website and blog The Points Guy.

Going outside in daylight (even if it’s not super sunny) will signal your body clock to get in sync with your normal waking hours.

‘But at specific times of the day, such as the run-up to wanting to sleep, you should avoid light as it helps prepare your brain for bedtime and encourages it to slowly switch off,’ says Mr Kelvin.

Similarly, the blue light from digital devices can fool your body into thinking it is still daytime.

“Don’t look at it right before bed or when you wake up in the night,” he adds.

“You can further reduce the impact of these digital devices by installing blue light reduction apps or using night mode.”

5. Stay active

You may not feel like hitting the gym as soon as you land, but exercise can serve to shake off post-flight dizziness and curb jet lag.

“Moderate physical activity can help reset the biological clock and promote sleep,” says Dobson. “A brisk walk or light jog can be extremely helpful.”

6. Power naps

A short snooze can give you the boost you need to beat jet lag, but make sure you set an alarm and don’t nap too late in the day.

“Up to 20 minutes can help if you’re experiencing sleep disruption due to jet lag,” says Kelvin.

‘However, avoid long naps during the day at the new location as much as possible.’

7. Carefully timed caffeine

“Consuming caffeine won’t cure jet lag, but it can help keep you alert and focused during the day,” says Kelvin.

However, it’s not a good idea to down multiple espressos if you’re sensitive to caffeine.

The stimulant can stay in your bloodstream for up to 10 hours, so have your tea or coffee in the morning when it won’t interfere with your sleep at night.

8. Sleeping pills

Some people take jet lag medications or melatonin supplements before bed when traveling across different time zones.

“Jet lag medication works by helping you regulate your sleep patterns,” says Dr. Babak Ashrafi of Superdrug Online Doctor.

“It does this because it contains a natural hormone called melatonin, which helps your body sleep.”

Always consult a doctor before taking any supplement.

9. Take it easy

“Jet lag isn’t fun, of course — but if you work yourself into a state where you’re worried about not sleeping or risk missing your new destination, you’re probably going to feel a lot worse,” says Lee Thompson. , co-founder and CMO of adventure travel company Flash Pack.

He suggests taking it easy for a few days and having calming distractions like audiobooks or podcasts to listen to if you can’t sleep.

“Take it easy,” he says. “Jet lag is just your body’s way of getting a little out of balance, so listen in, treat yourself gently, and don’t rush. Like all things in life, it passes.’