Nigerian brothers paid $3,500 by disgraced Empire actor Jussie Smollett recreate ‘attack’

The Nigerian brothers who were paid by disgraced Empire actor Jussie Smollett to carry out an attack on him broke their silence in an explosive interview and recreated the incident to show how they made it look real.

In a segment of a FOX Nation docuseries about Smollett’s web of lies, the Abimbola brothers and Olabinjo Osundario explain exactly what happened on January 29, 2019 when they confronted the former actor on the streets of Chicago.

Smollett had claimed he was attacked by white supremacists who called him the N-word and chanted “This is MAGA country,” in an apparent effort to blame former President Donald Trump for racism.

But a subsequent investigation found that Smollett staged the whole thing, paying the brothers $3,500 for the attack. in a shameless bet to win public sympathy.

He was convicted of five felonies in 2021 and sentenced to 150 days behind bars, but has been released while his legal team appeals his conviction.

Nigerian brothers Abimbola and Olabinjo Osundario recreated how they staged the attack on actor Jussie Smollett in January 2019

One of the brothers even noted that he gave the actor a 'noogie' to make it look like he had a scar.

One of the brothers even noted that he gave the actor a ‘noogie’ to make it look like he had a scar.

In Jussie Smollett: Anatomy of a Hoax, the Osundarios return to the ‘crime’ scene and recount how they gave him a ‘noogie’ and poured bleach down his shirt before fleeing into the dead of night.

The brothers brought cameras to the location where they sat on a bench waiting in the cold for Smollett at 2 a.m. on January 29.

“We didn’t have phones because he didn’t want us to carry them,” Abimbola said. ‘He said: ‘So we don’t lose them.’ I don’t know if that’s really the reason, but you can deduce your own reason.

He claimed that Smollett told them to show up at exactly 2 am, but “he wasn’t anywhere to be found, so we thought ‘Damn, what do we do?’

“We had no way of contacting him, he had no way of contacting us.”

At that point, his brother chimed in to say that they had been waiting for Smollett for about four minutes, “but it felt like forever.”

“Because it was cold as balls,” Abimbola explained.

Eventually, he said, he saw Smollett walking around “out of the corner of his eye,” and the two sprang into action, remarking “We’ve got to go find this Empire f******” and “We’re going to get that n*** * *.’

When they’re going to cross the street, Abimbola said, they said ‘Hey niggas’ to get his attention, ‘and then he turned around and looked at us and that’s when we started yelling the famous slurs he wanted us to do. shout.’

Among those insults was ‘This is MAGA country’.

‘And then he said, ‘What did you tell me?’ And that’s where she was when she threw the first punch at him. I parried, of course, so I made it look real.

“And then we started fighting, moving and then I knocked him down,” Abimbola continued, noting: “I wanted it to look like he fought back.” That was very important to him.

Abimbola said that he “wanted it to look more real, so I dropped it on the ground.” I used my knuckle to give him a nooggie’, demonstrating how he balled up his face and circled around Smollett’s eye.

‘Why did I do that? To make it look like she had a scar, to give her a mark, to make it look real, like she really got beat up,” she explained. ‘After doing that, I pretended to kick him.’

That’s when Olabinjo said that he “came with the bleach – the infamous bleach in the hot sauce bottle, spilled it all over his shirt, and finally I put the rope around his face.”

“I did not put it around his neck,” he emphasized. “I just put it on his face, and that’s when we took off.”

But when cops arrived at Smollett’s apartment 40 minutes after she called police on a hate crime, she still had a white noose around her neck. He said she left it on to show police what happened and also pointed to the bleach on his shirt.

Smollett's face is blurred, but he is seen holding the long white rope nose around his neck.

An officer asks him if he wants to take it off and he agrees.

Smollett’s face is blurred, but he is seen holding the long white rope nose around his neck.

1678916956 787 Nigerian brothers paid 3500 by disgraced Empire actor Jussie Smollett

Smollett has repeatedly denied orchestrating the incident. He is represented here in court last year.

But after just three days of investigating the incident, police began zeroing in on the brothers and subsequently suspected that Smollett’s hate crime allegations were, in fact, false.

Video evidence from more than 55 sources would prove that narrative true, exposing the brothers as the ultimate culprits.

At this point, due to conflicting accounts offered by Smollett, the cops knew the incident was a hoax, but were then faced with the task of getting it out of the brothers’ mouths.

Cops quickly found a road block after learning the couple were out of the country, but they would only have to wait a few weeks before they returned.

They were eventually able to confront the brothers when they were handed over their passports.

They were held in a Cook County holding cell for 47 hours before they broke down and admitted to taking part in Smollett’s bizarre plot for the first time, which they said the actor engineered with the ultimate goal of being seen as a non-hero. only by the LGBTQ community, but also black people.

The brothers later said they were flabbergasted by Smollett’s public comments about the experience.

Detailed testimony from the brothers recounted how Smollett orchestrated the plot and sought them out as accomplices, allowing the jury to reach a guilty verdict in the high-profile case, a ruling the actor appealed last year, allowing him to halt his 150-day sentence after just six days

Detailed testimony from the brothers recounted how Smollett orchestrated the plot and sought them out as accomplices, allowing the jury to reach a guilty verdict in the high-profile case, a ruling the actor appealed last year, allowing him to halt his 150-day sentence after just six days

Abimbola, seen outside court with his brother in December 2021, says he feels betrayed by Smollett, whom he viewed as

Twin brother Olabinjo called the actor's continued devotion to the scam as

Considered the state’s star witnesses at the time, the two brothers delivered insightful testimony that exposed the plot, leading to the actor’s conviction in December 2021.

Speaking about how the actor constantly lied and tried to play innocent after the deception, the brothers said fox nation: ‘Crazy. That’s when I really saw a different side to Jussie. Like, dude, really? That’s when I knew this guy was like a super villain.

“I thought he was a good actor, but I also thought this guy was a fraud,” Amibola said of Smollett’s ongoing attitude towards the incident, which hasn’t changed since his 2021 trial.

‘This guy is really just sitting her down, lying to these people. Lying through his teeth and not caring,” she said, referring to how Smollett “even shed a tear” during a now widely viewed interview with ABC News in which he denied the attack was a hoax.

Calling the actor “mad” for his continued devotion to the ruse, Amibola admitted that he feels betrayed by Smollett for not accepting his guilt and taking the blame as he and his brother were forced to do.

“I felt betrayed by Jussie and what he had done. She didn’t know what to do, she wasn’t ready to say anything. Like, I was mute. And I didn’t want to say anything.

They added that they felt Smollett just wanted to be “the poster child for activism,” with Ambibola saying, “He wanted to be the hero for gay people, for black people.”

The two brothers eventually testified against their former friend in court and were able to walk away with just two years of probation and a small fine, after cooperating with police and exposing the scheme.

The FOX docuseries marks the first time the brothers have spoken publicly about their role in the hoax.

It also features exclusive interviews with police officers and other key figures involved in uncovering the scam.