NHS doctor Ricky Allen is struck off after making derogatory social media posts which included calling Brits who took Covid vaccines ‘brainless half-wits’ and Islam a ‘religion for dirty old men’

NHS doctor Ricky Allen is struck off after making derogatory

Facebook posts about Covid jabs encouraged people not to take the vaccine and ‘had the potential to undermine UK public health information’

“He knows the deaths will be among those who have had the Covid ‘vaccines’

‘However, the previously vaccine-induced spike-forming cells are located throughout the body and involve all organs rather than just the lungs. So the real infection causes the immune system to destroy massive numbers of cells in multiple organs throughout the body, even though the virus has not been near them, usually resulting in death from multi-organ failure. A disease that would otherwise be mild is made fatal. This is the improvement in the disease brought about by the vaccine’;

‘Only a brainless half-hearted man would consider having an experimental and sometimes fatal chemical injected irreversibly and repeatedly into himself, because it can reduce the risk of death on the road by as much as one-eighth (12.5%), but probably won’t. Apparently there are a lot of idiots like that walking around. Don’t be one of them’;

‘Surely the coroner should have recorded death by misadventure’;


‘The greater mass of the British public, the fat, lazy, brain-dead farm animals that they are, have gobbled up this Covid scam as it has been spoon-fed to them by the media. They deserve everything that comes to them. It is natural selection at work’.

‘Derogatory comments about religion and proponents of religion’

‘Their entire religion is based on misogyny and pedophilia’

‘They will not go to heaven to collect their 27 virgins if they are shot dead in a British prison. In fact, Allah will be very angry with them.”

“I can’t help but think that Islam is the religion for dirty old men.”

‘Derogatory comments about race, nationality and immigration’

“It seems like we’ve imported a lot of filth into this country.”

‘People with yellow skin are naturally cruel, not only to animals but also to each other. Look at the terrible Japs. Cruel little creatures’

‘I have seen so many images of the filthy obscenities of the Japanese… The Americans have pardoned the monkey Hirohito…’;

‘Anyone who thinks differently places the disgusting, cruel Japanese above his or her own people’;

“I’d say we employ some very damn foreign ‘doctors’;

‘Is he one of those knife-wielding little animals, almost always from recently imported ethnic groups ‘of colour’, who are responsible for London’s record number of murders? Sounds like he needs a slap, or possibly just deportation’;

‘They could have called it their Alluha Akbar knockdown sale’;

‘We must round up all radical Muslims living among us and place them in securely guarded camps’;

‘They are not immigrants, they are illegal aliens trying to break in… Paris has become an open sewer because of them. They are literally a plague’;

‘Machine guns every 200 yards along the Kent coast. Bodies washed up to be burned on the beach. No religious funerals. With a breeze to heaven’;

‘Well, I’m sure if you looked at the racial demography of these Labor member Britain haters you’d find that most are imported ethnicities or their descendants, so Britain isn’t really ‘their’ country. They could just leave. Or be thrown away’;

“I wish they would do all those things to you. Please go back to Guyana’;

‘The Scots are whining again… They are a despicable, stingy and mean-spirited race. And half of them are drug addicts’

‘Never trust a Chinese person. In Chinese culture, it is perfectly acceptable to blatantly lie. The shame lies in the fact that we can’t get away with it’;

“She and her kids can always go back to the mess they came from. In Australia they would be in an internment camp and damn right away too’

“Never in the history of human endeavor have two atomic bombs been more wisely spent.”

‘Derogatory comments about transgender issues’

‘People are male or female, as determined by their chromosome complement: XY or XX. Surgical scalpels, hormones, high heels, dresses and lipstick can change the appearance of gender-confused (crazy) individuals, but their gender remains unchanged. To think otherwise is insane’

‘Trans girls are not women. They are biological males who introduce themselves as females. Crazy people support their absurd fantasy. You can imagine being whatever you want. It’s your right. That doesn’t mean you are, and it doesn’t mean others have to agree.”

‘Men who live the fantasy of being women are perverts in the true sense of the word. Those who conspire with them and encourage others to believe in the fantasy are not much better.”

‘It’s a form of mental illness. Unfortunately, some members of the medical profession collude with them in their fantasies. They should be deleted’

“There will be many people, ‘professional’ and otherwise, who will conspire with this woman to perpetuate her fantasy that she is a man. The child should be taken away from her and placed with a normal family. Her male partner must be terrified too.”

‘Derogatory comments about gender and/or homosexual relationships’

“Most male teachers in schools are sexually deviant in one way or another. They should not be allowed near children.”

‘Many women are hopelessly stupid and little more than life support machines for their own reproductive apparatus. They will always find sad males to fertilize them and so they can continue to exploit them. Every child is a free voucher


‘Tweets that incite/support violence’

“Should have pushed the little thrower over the fence and stomped on his head.”

‘Bring a flamethrower’

“A flamethrower needs to be used against that gang of journo scum.”

Other ‘derogatory comments’

‘Many people use ‘soft’ medical diagnoses such as autism, ADHD, Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD), personality disorder, learning disabilities, etc. to excuse their behavior when called to account, when the correct diagnosis is really ‘a *** hole’;

“And they all seem to be women. So much anger! Is Twitter a haven for mad cow disease?’

“And you sound like a bitter, unhappy lady, possibly with a terrible relationship behind her, residual emotional and psychosexual problems and a bottle of Prozac at the bedside.”

‘People are often given medical labels to excuse their shitty behavior. I see it all the time’.

‘Poor, unhappy lady probably went to bed with her book and some Prozac. I doubt there would be a Mr. (P). She sounds as angry as a box of frogs.’

‘Depression’ is widespread. If you back away for a moment, you quickly realize that they’re not depressed, just a little unhappy because they’re not really getting everything they imagined in their childish, self-appointed fantasies.”

‘Fat people should be denied all public platforms. Their greed means they are bad role models.”

‘There are a number of medical conditions that can cause obesity without treatment. But the vast majority of our fatties are downright greedy.”

‘Pork is often an unhappy group, who often doesn’t like themselves, and therein lies their problem. They cheer themselves up by mocking. I can’t prescribe anything.’

‘And over the years I’ve had thousands of fat people come to me asking what they should ‘take with them’ to lose weight because they eat ‘almost nothing’. Normally I advise them to ‘take’ a trip to Somalia, where there really is ‘nothing’ to eat.’

‘The so-called depressed were generally not really depressed, but simply felt that they were not feeling as happy as life should have given them. It was really up to them to improve their situation, instead of going to the doctor to have their back stroked and their nose wiped.’

‘Where are the child and youth care centers when you need them? She will harm herself.”

‘Exhibitionist nut boxes. It is shameful how autistic youth and psychologically unhinged ladies are being exploited by this movement’;

‘…now this crazy white professor ‘black activist’…like so many other WOKE causes is being pushed forward by mentally disturbed middle class white women. Mad cow disease never went away.”