Newspoll reveals fresh blow for Anthony Albanese as voters list their biggest cost of living fears

Voters have expressed their biggest concerns about the cost of living as support for Anthony Albanese and the Labor government has fallen to its lowest level since the 2022 election.

The last Newspoll for the The Australian found that housing, including rent and interest rates, was by far the biggest concern for Australian voters.

With federal elections approaching, the outcome is likely to be bad news for Albanese, as his 2022 election promise to build thousands of affordable homes has only just been fulfilled.

Less than two weeks ago, the Labor government finally gave the green light to build 13,700 social and affordable homes in the first round of funding under the Housing Australia Future Fund.

The fund was part of Albanese’s pledge to help first-time homebuyers build 40,000 homes in five years.

With 40 per cent of voters seeing housing policy as an important factor in next year’s federal election and Labor’s pace appearing sluggish, support for the party is at its lowest level since the 2022 election.

Newspoll data shows Labour’s support has fallen to just 31 per cent for the first time since the failed Voice referendum last year.

The coalition’s pre-election result remained stable at 38 percent.

Voters have named housing as their top cost of living concern as support for Anthony Albanese’s Labor Party declines (pictured, Mr Albanese with partner Jodie Haydon)

With 40 per cent of voters choosing housing policy as a key deciding factor in next year’s federal election and Labor’s pace seemingly sluggish, support for the party has hit its lowest level since the 2022 election.

Of all voters surveyed by Newspoll, 40 percent were most concerned about the cost of housing, 25 percent about the cost of groceries, 18 percent about energy bills and 11 percent about insurance.

Transportation costs, including fuel, were considered the least important item.

The only demographic that did not see housing as the most pressing issue was the over-65s, who were primarily concerned about energy and grocery prices.

Of those aged 18 to 34, 59 percent said housing was the most important topic and 27 percent said groceries.

Housing was also the most pressing concern for 52 percent of 35- to 49-year-olds and 32 percent of 50- to 64-year-olds.

Support for the two largest parties – Labour and the Coalition – was split 50/50, but support for the two leaders fell when the poll was opened to smaller parties and independents.

The Greens received 13 percent of voter support, independents 12 percent and Pauline Hanson’s One Nation was on six percent.

Despite the fall in support for Labor, Mr Albanese’s satisfaction rating rose two points to 43 percent, while his dissatisfaction rating fell three points to 51 percent, bringing his net satisfaction rating to -8 percent.

Liberal Party leader Peter Dutton (pictured) suffered a two percentage point drop in satisfaction to 37 percent, but his dissatisfaction rating remained unchanged at 52 percent, giving him a net satisfaction of -15 percent.

Forty percent of voters surveyed were most concerned about housing

Liberal leader Peter Dutton’s satisfaction rating fell two percentage points to 37 percent, but his dissatisfaction rating remained unchanged at 52 percent, meaning his net satisfaction was -15 percent.

It was Mr Dutton’s worst rating since June.

When asked which of Messrs Albanese and Dutton would be a better prime minister, 46 percent said Albanese would be the best and 37 percent said Dutton would be the best.

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