Newlywed man is forced to wear hotel staff uniforms on his own HONEYMOON after Delta Airlines ‘forgot his suitcase’

A newlywed couple has claimed he had to spend half his honeymoon in hotel staff uniform after Delta Airlines allegedly forgot his suitcase.

Bailey Hasty, 30, and husband Shane, 32, left Dallas, Texas for Saint Lucia on June 3 to spend eight days in the Caribbean after their wedding.

But after landing at the airport to start their post-wedding holiday, the couple, from Venice Beach, Los Angeles, were shocked to discover Shane’s suitcase was nowhere to be seen.

Singer-songwriter Bailey said they spent hours searching for the lost luggage at the airport, forcing them to miss the first day of holiday – and he was instead forced to take drastic action.

A newlywed couple has claimed he had to spend half his honeymoon in hotel staff uniform after Delta Airlines allegedly forgot his suitcase

Bailey Hasty, 30, and husband Shane, 32, left Dallas, Texas for Saint Lucia on June 3 to spend eight days in the Caribbean after their wedding.

The lovebirds ultimately couldn’t find the suitcase after landing, but went to the Sandals Grande St. Lucian Resort, where they were staying, to see if it would show up.

The new bride then claims that over the next two days of the vacation, they called the Delta Airlines baggage service team to try to locate it.

In the meantime, Shane had no choice but to “dress like a hotel employee” and wear the resort’s branded clothing while his luggage was tracked.

Hilarious photos show the software salesman wearing a white polo top and Sandals brand cap as he poses for holiday snaps with his new wife.

He candidly admitted how he was forced to go ‘commando’ for days without wearing any underwear – the likes of which were not available anywhere nearby.

Despite the suitcase eventually being shipped to their hotel, the newlyweds say the incident left them “frustrated” as they had to cut their honeymoon short by three days.

Nevertheless, Bailey said she found her husband’s hotel outfit hilarious and admits he was stared at by other guests as he walked around the resort.

She said: ‘I felt like I was walking around with a hotel worker when he had his hotel merchandise with him.

The lovebirds couldn’t find the suitcase but went to the Sandals Grande St. Lucian Resort, where they were staying, to see if it would show up.

‘It was hilarious. We were laughing the whole time.

“He was walking all over the resort in his gear and I felt like he was getting strange looks.

‘No one thought he actually worked there, but I had the feeling he looked like an employee.

“Shane brought all his best clothes: all his medications, contact lenses, toiletries and his underwear.

“He didn’t have all the things he needed to survive on the island.”

She continued, “Luckily the hotel gave us some merchandise to help us get by. They gave Shane toiletries and his outfit.

“He got the polo shirt from Sandals and then bought the hat himself.

‘He didn’t get any underwear because they didn’t have any.

‘There was only one shop in the resort and it wasn’t selling, so he had to do without underwear. That was a kicker.

“He had to buy swim shorts so he could wear them, but he didn’t have any underwear.”

The photo shows the couple’s luggage prior to their trip, with matching Mr. and Mrs. luggage tags for the newlyweds

Bailey explained, “For the first few days we had a hard time not thinking about it [the missing bag].

‘We didn’t know what we were going to do, being away for eight days without his suitcase.

“It was very frustrating and it kept us from going for walks and doing things we wanted to do because he didn’t have the equipment to do activities.

“It put our honeymoon on hold for at least three days.”

Although he thought his new hotel outfit was funny, Shane said that at one point he thought he would never see his $4,000 worth of clothes and belongings again.

He explained: ‘At first it said the luggage had been delivered, so we waited an extra two hours at St. Lucia airport to see if they could find the luggage.

“When I get back from my honeymoon, I’m going straight away on a business trip, so I was thinking about whether I would have clothes for [it].

“I didn’t think I would ever see the bag again and that was a big concern at the time.”

Fortunately, after three days, the couple was able to track down his suitcase in Dallas, Texas, where they claim Delta Airlines never put his luggage on the plane.

Bailey said, “We believe Delta were the ones responsible for the loss of the bag.

“When we entered Saint Lucia we had no idea what was going on, so we spent hours going back and forth through airport customs.

Shane said that while he thought his new hotel outfit was funny, at one point he thought he would never see his $4,000 worth of clothes and belongings again.

“We didn’t end up arriving at the resort until later that evening, so we missed our entire first day.”

Bailey added: ‘Over the next few days we called every number we could find but no one was really helpful. We called the Delta Airlines baggage service team in Saint Lucia.

“There were thousands of dollars [worth of items] in his bag and this wasn’t good enough.

‘My mother-in-law finally got someone on the phone in Atlanta, where our layover was.

‘She found the suitcase and had it sent to us. So it was stuck in Dallas [Delta Airlines] never put him to flight.”

Since getting their luggage back, Bailey says they can now relax and enjoy the rest of their holiday – their itinerary is still packed with activities, including couples massages, waterfall viewing and beach days.

The duo said they haven’t filed an official complaint with Delta Airlines yet as they want to enjoy what’s left of their honeymoon, but they said they will do so once they return to the United States.

A Delta Airlines spokesperson said: ‘Delta teams are investigating what happened and stand ready to contact them to rectify this.

“We are sorry to hear of this disruption to their honeymoon plans.”

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