Newcastle, NSW: Driver caught driving the wrong way down busy freeway


Terrifying moment a vehicle is seen driving the WRONG way down a busy highway toward oncoming trucks and cars

  • Car stuck speeding on the wrong side of the road
  • Honks blared as drivers were forced to swerve
  • Red 4WD driving on the highway in Newcastle, NSW

Terrified motorists narrowly escaped a fatal collision after a driver was caught driving the wrong way on a busy highway.

A shocked motorist filmed the driver of a red 4×4 speeding down a road in Newcastle, two hours north of Sydney, earlier this week.

In the terrifying images, the driver of the vehicle appears blissfully unaware that he is driving on the wrong side of the road as the car takes a turn.

The motorist is faced with a wall of oncoming traffic that includes up to a dozen cars and a large semi-truck.

The driver of the red 4WD seems blissfully unaware that he’s driving on the wrong side of the road as the car turns a corner and faces a wall of traffic (pictured)

The cars are forced to swerve around the 4WD as they turn the curve, narrowly avoiding colliding with the vehicle when it brakes suddenly in the wrong left lane.

Loud honking can be heard coming from the panicking driver.

‘What the hell?’ the man behind the camera repeats as he walks by.

Onlookers were quick to share their thoughts on the near collision, which could have been fatal if other drivers hadn’t reacted so quickly.

‘I can’t believe there wasn’t a total accident?!?!?’ one wrote.

“Maybe tourists,” suggested another.

“Fearless driver,” commented a third.

Loud honking can come from the panicked driver trying to brake and a car traveling on the right hand side of the road being forced to swerve (pictured)

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