New Zealand man Karain Eketone left with severe brain injury after snorkelling on Dravuni Island, Fiji, during P&O cruise

New Zealander Karain Eketone suffered a serious brain injury after snorkeling off Dravuni Island, Fiji, during a P&O cruise

A Kiwi keen to celebrate his 25th wedding anniversary on a cruise in Fiji has been left permanently half-blind after a horror boating incident.

Karain Eketone, 42, was five days into his 13-day P&O cruise with his wife Susan when the boat docked on Dravuni Island, a small paradise between the southern coast of the mainland and Kadavu Island.

The couple spent the day of July 22 exploring the island and decided to go snorkeling, an activity outside of P&O’s itinerary.

However, disaster soon struck when a local resident offering $10 boat rides ran over Mr Eketone’s top, seriously injuring him.

Karain Eketone (pictured with wife Susan) spent more than a month in hospital after a boat ran over him

The couple were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary while on a cruise and went snorkeling on Dravuni Island, when Mr Eketone was hit by the boat (photo, Mr and Mrs Eketone in hospital)

‘The propeller went through my skull and broke it in three places. My brain was exposed for more than 40 hours,” he told Daily Mail Australia.

‘I must have raised my arms to protect my head because the propeller severed my ulnar artery in my right wrist and went through both of my hands.

‘I suffered serious brain damage and permanently lost more than 50 percent of my vision.’

Mr Eketone was rushed back to the ship and airlifted to the Colonial War Memorial Hospital in Suva, on the mainland, before being transferred to Auckland.

His heart stopped three times during the flight to New Zealand.

“My wife was told several times by multiple doctors and surgeons that I would not survive my injuries,” he said.

‘My neurosurgical report from the surgeon who operated on me in New Zealand said: ‘High risk of mortality.’

Mr Eketone (above) suffered serious brain injuries and his skull was fractured in three places

Mr Eketone (pictured with his wife Susan) also suffered serious injuries to his arms after the propeller severed the ulnar artery in his right wrist and severed both his hands.

Mr Eketone spent four weeks in hospital in Auckland undergoing brain rehabilitation before eventually traveling home to nearby Hamilton.

Now, more than two months after the boat hit him, he still receives regular occupational therapy for his hand and speech in addition to physiotherapy.

“I was recently told by my ophthalmologist that my vision loss is permanent and that nothing can be done to restore it,” he said.

‘I will never be able to drive a car again and I will no longer be able to practice my profession as an electrician.’

While travel insurance covered some of the couple’s medical expenses, Mr and Mrs Eketone are still facing a huge medical bill.

Their friend has one Give a small fundraiser to help cover costs and assist Mr Eketone in adjusting to his injuries.

Mr Eketone has been left semi-blind by the incident and can no longer work as an electrician (photo: Mr Eketone’s head during recovery)

Mr Eketone (pictured with his wife Susan) spent four weeks in Auckland undergoing brain rehabilitation after being brought back from Fiji.

A HR spokeswoman said staff were pleased to hear Mr Eketone was recovering well.

“We are grateful that Mr. Eketone is still here after a horrific accident during his visit to the coast,” she said.

‘We would like to take this opportunity to thank our highly experienced medical team and continue to provide support to the family.’

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