New York woman says a police traffic stop caused her miscarriage

A New York woman who was more than six months pregnant claimed she suffered a miscarriage due to a traffic stop in March.

Quashaia Oranchak said she was pulled over in Binghamton on March 20 by an unmarked vehicle as she was returning from her grandmother’s home and found her body slammed against the hood of her vehicle as she was taken into custody.

The stress of the arrest, she claimed, caused her to miscarry shortly after being taken to Broome County Correctional Facility.

But New York State troopers have refuted her version of events, saying that Oranchak refused to pull over and hit an officer’s vehicle as she tried to flee.

They also claim that Oranchak had traces of fentanyl and methamphetamine in her system at the time, and have released CCTV footage which they claim proves their innocence.

Quashaia Oranchak was apprehended and arrested in Binghamton on March 20 by New York State police officers. She was six months pregnant at the time.

The body camera footage shows an officer getting out of his vehicle and approaching Oranchak’s Range Rover, where two other officers had guns pointed at her and told her to get out of the vehicle.

Oranchak then steps out of the car with her hands up, whereupon an officer handcuffs her as she stood against the side door of the car – seemingly disproving Oranchak’s claim that she had been slammed into the hood of the car.

When she was arrested, an officer could be heard admitting that he realized Oranchak was pregnant, asking her if she was okay.

“At the end of the day, as I said before, I’m a reasonable kid,” he says.

“I see you’re pregnant. If you’re not good, you must let me know, because you’re in my care now. Your well-being is part of my responsibility.’

Oranchak then replies, “I’m fine for now.”

Another officer could also be heard telling the arresting officer, “She kept running away from me,” and when Oranchak asked what the problem was when she was led into a police car, the arresting officer replied, “The problem is that you ran away. ‘

However, she claimed she was just trying to find a safe place to pull over.

This is reported by the police after the arrest FOX News digitalthey found drugs in her car and traces of fentanyl and methamphetamine in her body.

“An amount of fentanyl and methamphetamine was found in her body,” said a spokesman.

Oranchak was subsequently charged with criminal possession of controlled substances, criminal use of drug paraphernalia, and fleeing an officer in a motor vehicle.

She later became unresponsive at Broome County Correctional Facility and was transported to a hospital, where she eventually miscarried.

Oranchak was seen on police CCTV footage as she stepped out of the car with her hands raised after allegedly fleeing a traffic check

Oranchak was seen on police CCTV footage as she stepped out of the car with her hands raised after allegedly fleeing a traffic check

An officer handcuffed her behind her back as she stood against the car's side door—seemingly disproving Oranchak's claim that she had been slammed into the hood of the car.

An officer handcuffed her behind her back as she stood against the side door of the car – seemingly disproving Oranchak’s claim that she had been slammed into the hood of the car

At one point, the arresting officer acknowledges she is pregnant and asks her if she's okay, to which she replies,

At one point, the arresting officer acknowledges she is pregnant and asks her if she’s okay, to which she replies, “I’m fine for now.”

The body camera footage now seems to contradict many of Oranchak’s claims.

She and her family had said earlier this month that they were considering legal action against the State Department and the New York State Department of Justice for “violation of her rights.”

“When people look at all the facts and circumstances of what happened here, you can conclude that if this car had white people, it wouldn’t have happened,” her lawyer, Ron Benjamin, said earlier at a press conference. this month.

“They wouldn’t have stopped her car.”

He further claimed that the police “unleashed such violent behavior because she is black.”

And despite the recently released body camera footage, Benjamin continues to claim that Oranchak was illegally restrained by state forces.

“There is no doubt that the police freeze and arrest were illegal and we will vigorously pursue the violation of her rights,” he said in a statement to FOX News.