‘New evidence’ that ‘proves’ Hunter Biden LIED under oath three times during deposition released by Republicans

Republicans in the House of Representatives have released new documents from IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler that they say prove Hunter Biden lied at least three times in his interview with congressional investigators.

The House Ways and Means Committee voted behind closed doors to make the information public.

Instead of impeaching President Joe Biden, leading Republicans are now focusing on criminal referrals to the Justice Department for prosecution.

They say Hunter lied about using his last name to help business partners with visa problems, about working with a company that collected huge foreign payments and about threatening a Chinese businessman over WhatsApp.

House Republicans released new documents from IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler that they say prove Hunter Biden lied at least three times in his interview with congressional investigators

“Lying during sworn testimony is a crime for which the Department of Justice has prosecuted countless individuals in recent years, and the American people expect the same responsibility for the son of the President of the United States,” said Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith. in a statement.

“Hunter Biden’s lies under oath and obstruction of a Congressional investigation into his family’s possible corruption cast other parts of his testimony into doubt. The recently released evidence once again confirms that the only witnesses who can tell the truth in this investigation are the IRS whistleblowers.”

At one point during the deposition, investigators asked Hunter what services he provided to Burisma executives while being paid $50,000 a month to sit on their board. They asked him if he had used his father’s name and influence to help them obtain visas.

Hunter swore at the time that he was unwilling to “do any work because it was related to visas they needed” and that he would “never pick up the phone to call someone for a visa.”

The committee released an email from Hunter’s ex-business partner Devon Archer on Wednesday in response to concerns about the revocation of Burisma CEO Nikolay Zlochevsky’s visa.

“Hunter is contacting Miguel Aleman to see if he can provide coverage for Kola with the visa,” the email read, with “Kola” being a reference to Zlochevsky.

“Please email Hunter with all of Kola’s passport, visa and supporting documents and copy them to me. We will go from there,” the email continued.

The commission also said Hunter lied about his now infamous WhatsApp message with Chinese energy company CEFC official Raymond Zhao.

At one point, Hunter messaged the Chinese employee: “I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the promise was not kept.”

Soon after, $5 million flowed from CEFC affiliates to companies linked to Hunter and James Biden.

But Hunter claimed he sent that message to the wrong Zhao.

“The Zhao this is being sent to is not the Zhao associated with CEFC,” Hunter claimed. He “didn’t understand, or even remotely know what the hell I was talking about.”

Phone records from Hunter Biden’s WhatsApp account show that he communicated with only one Zhao – Raymond Zhao – and that he continued to message the same ‘Zhao’ about CEFC matters for months afterward.

Hunter also testified that he was not part of any shell companies that received foreign payments. Archer had testified that he and Hunter had an equal interest in Rosemont Seneca Bohai and evidence from IRS whistleblowers showed that Hunter was the beneficial owner of the entity’s associated bank account.

That account was used to receive Hunter’s Burisma salary and other foreign payments, such as those from a Kazakhstani oligarch that amounted to the same amount – $142,000 – as a Porsche Hunter bought a day later.

In the spring of 2014, Joe joined Hunter and a handful of his business associates for dinner at Cafe Milano in Washington, DC. Those attending the dinner included Kazakhs Kenes Rakishev, Karim Massimov, Yelena Baturina and possibly Eric Schwerin.

On April 22, $142,300 was transferred to Rakishev’s Rosemont Seneca Bohai account.

Neither Rosemont Seneca Bohai nor its associated bank accounts were “under my control and not affiliated with me,” Hunter said in his interview.

IRS whistleblower Ziegler provided the committee with evidence that Hunter was the beneficial owner of a bank account named Rosemont Seneca Bohai and a signed document that read: “I, Robert Hunter Biden, hereby declare that I am the duly elected, qualified and Acting Secretary of Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC.’

That document was used to enter into a contract with Porsche Financial Services.

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