New design tools finally brought AI into Figma

Do you notice anything different about Figma? The popular mock-up software just got a new user interface, but get beneath the surface and users will discover a host of new tools, including AI features.

Of course it was only a matter of time. With AI running through the veins of all major design software, it was always a question of when, not if, Figma would add artificial intelligence to its product design platform.

Announced at ConFig 2024, the company’s annual conference, Figma AI is now rolling out in a beta launch alongside developer tools and presentation software

What’s new in Figma?

This isn’t Figma’s first rodeo when it comes to artificial intelligence, with the integration of AI into whiteboard tool FigJam. But it is the first native AI feature to come to the prototyping platform.

Like almost all generative AI tools, Figma AI is designed to streamline design workflows. For anyone familiar with Firefly, there probably won’t be many surprises with Figma’s first native AI features. The highlight of the feature set is the ability to let users generate and refine concept designs via text prompts. Top tools include:

  • AI designer that allows users to create mobile and web UI through text prompts.
  • Visual search with the ability to use screenshots, images and frames to find existing designs.
  • With one click you can name layers, rename and reorganize the layers within a file.
  • AI prototyping aims to eliminate manual processes when converting wireframes into working prototypes.
  • Actions, like all good AI, automate some of the more basic tasks, such as background removal and translations.

(Image credit: Figma)

“In a world where more and more software is being created and reimagined thanks to AI, designing and building products is everyone’s business. From AI tools that take professional designers to the next level to developer tools that create stronger connections between design and code, Figma wants to make it possible for teams to go from idea to product, all in one place,” said Dylan Field, co-founder and CEO of Figma.

It’s not just AI tools coming to the platform. New presentation software comes in the form of Figma Slides. A new way to create compelling presentations – and a direct response from the company to the fact that “approximately 3.5 million slide files were designed in Figma in the past year.” It’s billed as easy to use for designers and non-designers, includes AI tools for tone, style and visuals, and is also getting a beta launch.

Elsewhere, Dev Mode also received some love after launching at last year’s ConFig. The company has added new developer tools, including a ‘Ready for Dev’ view and Code Connect for displaying component code, which are now available to users.

And that new-look UI? Figma hopes the new UI will roll out in a new limited beta launch and will feature improved usability, updating icons and adding customizable panels that can be reorganized to fit different workflows. A new toolbar will make it easier to access key tools and, of course, AI.

(Image credit: Figma)

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