The latest Netflix animated film is an action adventure based on a famous figure from Chinese literature: the Monkey King, a character whose story has been told many times (and also inspired Dragon Ballis Goku).
In the Netflix version, he is played by Jimmy O. Yang (Silicon Valley, Like hard) and is on a quest to prove to the immortals that he is worthy to join them by slaying 100 demons. He’s up against a mighty Dragon King, but according to Netflix’s plot summary, the biggest enemy he’ll face is his own massive ego. The Monkey King comes from Anthony Stacchi, director of The dozen trolls, and was written by Ron J. Friedman and Stephen Bencich (Chicken Little) and Rita Hsaio (Mulan).
Bowen Yang (Fire Island) joins as the Dragon King, with BD Wong (Law & Order: special unit for victims), Jolie Hoang Rappaport (Guardians) and Stephanie Hsu (Everything Everywhere Everything at once) round out the cast. The film delves into Chinese mythology and features many legendary figures with new twists, such as the Red Girl demon and the Jade Emperor. The first trailer shows off all the action – along with the Monkey King’s trusty sidekick, Stick (which, as the name implies, is a stick).
The Monkey King arrives on Netflix on August 18.