Nerang cemetery attack: Disturbing image emerges of man allegedly beaten in graveyard by five assailants as his sister reveals he was ‘bullied for years’

New images of a man allegedly beaten in a cemetery have been shared on social media, with claims this is not the first time he has been attacked.

Police were called to Bushmead St and Mylor St, near Nerang Cemetery, at 1.30pm on Thursday to reports of an altercation between five men.

A woman, who said she was the victim’s sister, posted a photo of the man battered, bruised and on a ventilator at Gold Coast University Hospital.

“That’s my brother on a ventilator,” the woman wrote on Facebook.

The victim’s sister shared a photo on Facebook of the man in his 40s being put on life support at Gold Coast University Hospital

‘These guys have been bullying him for years. 4 on one.’

‘My brother suffered brain damage in an accident thirty years ago. These pieces of shit like to pick someone with a brain injury and pack them into a pack like a bunch of mongrel dogs,” she continued.

“Our family feels like deja vu having to experience this again.”

Responding to well-wishers in the comments, the victim’s sister wrote, ‘This is the second time I see my brother in this condition… Only this time it happened because of week (sic) individuals who think their (sic) people .’

A crime scene has been established at Nerang Cemetery following an altercation between five men on Thursday afternoon

A crime scene has been established at Nerang Cemetery following an altercation between five men on Thursday afternoon

Two men were allegedly assaulted during the incident.

The man in his 40s suffered serious head injuries and was taken to hospital in a critical condition, a Queensland Ambulance Service spokesperson confirmed.

A man in his 50s who suffered head injuries is in a stable condition.

A Queensland Police spokesperson confirmed no complaint has been filed at this time.

Further investigations are underway.