Neil Mitchell departure: Melbourne broadcaster’s final 3AW sign-off after explosive interview with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

A legendary talkback host has promised his loyal listeners this won't be the last they see or hear as he left morning radio.

Neil Mitchell signed off on Friday for the final time from 3AW after 36 years, including 34 years as host of the station's morning timeslot.

The Melbourne broadcaster did not end its final day quietly after clashing with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in a fiery interview.

A nostalgic Mitchell used his last 60 seconds on air to thank his family, staff and his audience for making his time on air a 'privilege', saying he found the most pleasure in his work if he could help people.

The multi-award winning journalist will now host his own podcast and said he plans to appear routinely on TV and radio in the not-too-distant future.

Neil Mitchell has signed for the final time after 36 years on air, 34 of which he hosted 3AW's morning timeslot

Mr Mitchell said his time at 3AW had had its fair share of ups and downs and he would hate to work for himself, but this was the highlight of his life.

“Sometimes it was kind of fun, sometimes it was sad, it was hard, but there's one thing that always drives me: it's you, the audience,” he said.

'I'm not comfortable with fame, I'm not comfortable with praise [but] my journey was overwhelmingly positive and we achieved a lot, we got some answers.

“And I was ostracized by a group of politicians on both sides, and that shows how weak they are if they can't handle me.”

The controversial broadcaster paid special tribute to his wife, who quit work to care for their two children, Kel and Cam, so he could focus on his career.

The iconic broadcaster worked at 3AW for 36 years.  He is pictured in his early days at the station

The iconic broadcaster worked at 3AW for 36 years. He is pictured in his early days at the station

Mitchell also discussed his ethos as a journalist, taking pride in never selling out or taking ads for a quick paycheck.

'That has always been my journalistic philosophy: you don't have a microphone or a camera or a newspaper for your own enjoyment, you have access to an audience because you work for that audience.

“You represent them, you give them a voice, you give them answers when they deserve them.

“Unless it's Victoria and you get banned, you're giving them the opportunity to be part of a wider process.”

He also told how he famously campaigned for the Victorian government to refund $26 million in dodgy speeding fines after exposing a slew of faulty speed cameras in Victoria.

“We solved problems for people who had no voice,” he said.

'I'm very happy with the time I've had, you really gave me 36 years of a life that I couldn't have expected in my wildest dreams, so do I like it or hate me, thank you for listen.

'Thank you for talking, thank you for caring, thank you for trusting us, thank you for trying and helping us try, thank you for being there. Greetings.'

It won't be the last time we see or see Neil Mitchell, the iconic broadcaster promised

It won't be the last time we see or see Neil Mitchell, the iconic broadcaster promised

Mitchell announced his retirement on September 1, which brought about a major rearrangement of the broadcast booths.

Drive host Tom Elliott will replace Mitchell in the breakfast timeslot in 2024.

'It has been a great privilege. I've always been there,” Mitchell told the Today show shortly before his final broadcast.

“But I'm a little stunned by the amount of attention, quite seriously. I never feel comfortable with it. I've done TV, radio and newspaper interviews and I'm just a guy with a microphone.

“There's nothing special about any of us. Our strength is the microphone. I'm baffled and embarrassed by it, but I'm comfortable with what I'm about to do next.”

Mitchell spent his last day in the air brutally pushing back an irritable Albanian who refused to apologize on behalf of two of his top ministers who accused Dutton of 'protecting paedophiles'.

Embattled Home Secretary Clare O'Neil tried to blame Dutton, her Liberal predecessor in the role, for the government's asylum seeker debacle in Parliament this week, claiming the “mess” was created under him.

Ms O'Neil claimed Mr Dutton had voted to protect pedophiles over children, and Sports Minister Anika Wells repeated the claim on morning television the next day.

Mr Dutton, a former Queensland Police detective, said this showed the government was becoming desperate, adding he had “arrested sex offenders before”.

Neil Mitchell (pictured) did not have an easy time with the Prime Minister on his last day on air

Neil Mitchell (pictured) did not have an easy time with the Prime Minister on his last day on air

When questioned by Mr Mitchell, Mr Albanese refused to apologize to Mr Dutton, leading to a heated clash.

“Neil, this opposition leader has a criminal record – and look at the stories on the front page accusing us of all kinds of things – it's Peter Dutton,” Mr Albanese said.

“But you said you're better than that,” Mitchell interjected.

“That's right,” Mr. Albanese said.

“Is there an apology in there?” Mitchell asked.

'Well I. Wait a second. Wait a second. Ask me about the things I have done, and I will be happy to answer for them,” Mr Albanese replied.

“I stand by the fact that my ministers have done everything they can to protect the safety of the community. And Peter Dutton has been focused on just politics from day one,” Albanese said.

“You can fix it all here by making that point and apologizing,” Mitchell responded.