Neighbour’s note complaining about noisy grandchildren in Sydney suburb divides Australia


A note from a neighbor complaining about rowdy kids divides Australia – so who’s wrong?

  • Parents left their kids with their in-laws to babysit in Sydney on Saturday night
  • Sunday morning the grandparents received a note from a neighbor
  • Neighbor complained about the loud noise and threatened to call the police
  • Note was shared to Reddit with many defending neighbor’s letter







A handwritten note from a neighbor threatening to call the police over a visit from their ‘very noisy’ grandchildren has divided Australia.

A parent shared a photo of the note to Reddit, explaining that they left their children with their in-laws to babysit Saturday night at their townhouse in Ashfield, western Sydney.

While the parents were on their “much-needed” date night, their in-laws received a note demanding that their “screaming” grandchildren become quiet or taken to a park to play.

‘Dear neighbour. Please bear in mind that sound travels and your grandchildren make a lot of noise,” the letter began.

“Today your visitors yelled and dragged loud toys and disturbed the peace.”

A handwritten note from a neighbor threatening to call the police about a couple over a visit from their ‘very noisy’ grandchildren has divided Australia

The neighbor said that since the couple lived in a high-density building, they had to take their grandchildren to the park to play like other residents in the complex did.

“I just wanted a nice, quiet day in my apartment, but I can’t because you have no child supervision,” the note continued.

‘Lack of attention to others.

“If this continues I will consider contacting Strata and the police as we are aware of our rights. There is no need to yell.

“Sunday is our rest day.”

The note has since sparked a fierce debate over who was wrong, with many pointing out that it was left in a “passive-aggressive” manner.

“I wouldn’t write such a passive-aggressive letter, but I live in a close-knit community and it’s really about my gears when I hear the neighbors’ kids screaming incessantly,” said one.

Others pointed out that it was probably a one-off and that the neighbors overreacted.

“As someone who has been listening to someone’s toddler literally screams high-pitched and it reverberates off the walls… I can kind of feel their pain. But I understand there’s nothing we can do about it,” one comment read.

“Having children sucks, but this seems extreme if it was a one-off and the kids don’t actually live there,” added another.

Others defended the neighbor, saying that parents had a responsibility to make their children behave.

“As an apartment dweller, I totally get their point. We also have young children but are doing everything we can to teach them not to bang and jump as it reverberates through the building,” one wrote.

“That said, I expect such a letter after repeated noise pollution, not just like that.”

Another said, “I mean, it’s a little passive-aggressive, but if the kids were making so much noise, what were the grandparents doing?”

‘We live in an apartment and have our 4-year-old grandson more than twice a week. The same goes for many apartments around us. We all know that sound travels, so don’t let the grandkids scream, run around or pound things on the floor. It’s common courtesy,’ said another.

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