Stomach-churning row between neighbours in Minto, south-west Sydney, explodes

A violent row has erupted between neighbours in Sydney’s south-west, with both sides making vile online allegations of racism, intimidation and bullying.

The mudslinging, allegedly between former neighbours on the street in Minto, has reportedly been raging for almost a year, but has also been discussed on social media in recent days.

A family, who Daily Mail Australia has declined to name, have accused a Muslim mother and her two adult children of a series of sickening acts, including smearing human faeces in their letterbox, throwing hot water in their faces and calling police over false allegations that their father pointed a gun at them.

A video of the police response to the gun charge, viewed nearly two million times on social media, shows the father of the family being forced to the ground by armed police officers responding to the incident.

One of the daughters is later heard berating a police officer for the alleged harsh response to the “false accusations.”

“We have to investigate, okay?” the policewoman replied.

“As you reported that they left trash on your door.”

Officers have reportedly been called to the streets several times by both families involved in the ugly conflict, resulting in hours of police time being lost.

A family has accused a Muslim mother and her two adult children of a series of sickening acts, including smearing human feces in their mailbox, throwing hot water in their faces and calling the police over false allegations that their father pointed a gun at them.

The alleged victims, who are Hindu, claim the alleged persecution stems from religious intolerance and that they shared racist and threatening messages they allegedly received from their former neighbours (pictured).

The alleged victims, who are Hindu, claim the alleged persecution stems from religious intolerance and that they shared racist and threatening messages they allegedly received from their former neighbours (pictured).

In another disgusting act of intimidation, neighbors allegedly left a dirty tampon on a religious altar outside their front door.

The alleged victims, who are Hindu, claim that the alleged persecution stems from religious intolerance. They allegedly shared racist and threatening messages they received from their former neighbors.

“No one will believe you if we make your life hell,” one message read.

It also said: ‘There’s no place in Australia for n***** like you.

‘Maybe next time you shouldn’t pray to disgusting idols. Next time someone might do something worse.

A video of the police response to the gun charge, viewed nearly two million times on social media, shows the father of the family being forced to the ground by armed police officers responding to the incident

A video of the police response to the gun charge, viewed nearly two million times on social media, shows the father of the family being forced to the ground by armed police officers who responded to the incident

In another disgusting act of intimidation, neighbours allegedly left a dirty tampon on a religious altar outside their front door (pictured)

In another disgusting act of intimidation, neighbours allegedly left a dirty tampon on a religious altar outside their front door (pictured)

“Hindus are not human beings and I will continue to remind you of that until the day you die.”

They also accused them of making them feel “trapped and violated” in their own home.

The family have since moved to another home in nearby Liverpool, where they say the abuse continues.

“Our horrible ex-neighbours, who abused us incessantly, have discovered our new address after about six months of peace,” one of the family members wrote on social media last week.

‘They are now harassing us and stalking us on a daily basis… It is overwhelming and unfortunately we have not received any help from the police. I am completely at a loss.’

However, the alleged perpetrators have issued a violence order against the alleged victims.

The other family has now responded, claiming that their former neighbours smeared faeces in their letterbox (pictured), threw water in their faces and harassed them at all hours of the day.

The other family has now responded, claiming that their former neighbours smeared faeces in their letterbox (pictured), threw water in their faces and harassed them at all hours of the day.

They have now also responded and shared their own side of the events online.

They claim that their former neighbours also smeared faeces in their letterbox, threw water in their faces and harassed them late into the night.

A video viewed more than 2.1 million times shows a car’s rear window being smashed and neighbors throwing water at them.

“The former Hindu neighbours moved away six months ago, but they still don’t want to leave their Muslim family and keep coming back,” the video caption reads.

Daily Mail Australia has reached out to New South Wales police and both families for comment.