Ne-Yo takes back apology for controversial comments about gender identity and transgender children: ‘I want you to hear this from the horse’s mouth, not the publicist’s computer’

Ne-Yo has apologized for comments he made in an interview about gender identity and how transgender children are raised.

On Sunday, a statement was released on the artist’s social media platforms to clarify his views on the subject and to emphasize his continued support for the LGBTQI+ community and pledge to better educate himself on the issue.

But on Monday night, Ne-Yo, whose full name is Shaffer Chimere Smith, released a new video urging his fans to hear his thoughts “from the horse’s mouth, not the publicist’s computer.”

While Sunday’s statement said Ne-Yo, 43, expressed his “deepest apologies,” he has since stated in the video that “I did not apologize for having an opinion on this matter.”

New statement: Ne-Yo has apologized on his behalf for comments he made in an interview about gender identity and how transgender children are raised

“Okay, listen, I don’t normally care much about what you think about what I do, what you have to say about what I say, whatever,” he began in the video. “Normally I don’t care because like I said, opinions aren’t special.”

‘Everyone has one. However, this is something I feel strongly about. And I want you to hear this from the horse’s mouth, not the publicist’s computer.’

So, take a look at this. First and foremost, I have not apologized for having an opinion on this matter,” he said.

“I’m a 43-year-old heterosexual male raising five boys and two girls, okay? That’s my reality. Now, if my opinion offended anyone, yes, of course. I’m sorry you’re offended, that wasn’t my intention.’

“It is never my intention to offend anyone. However, I have a right to feel how I feel. I absolutely have a right to feel how I feel, just as you have a right to feel how you feel.’

“I didn’t ask anyone to follow me, I didn’t ask anyone to agree with me,” he continued. “I was asked a question and I answered the damn question, okay? I have absolutely nothing to do with the LBGTQIA+ community.”

“I have no problem with you guys, do what you want to do. Do what you want to do with your kids. However, someone asked my opinion on this matter, and this is how I feel, I will never be okay with letting a child make a decision that is detrimental to their life. I’ll never approve of that.’

Ne-Yo continued that while he intends to educate himself more on the matter, he doesn’t believe “there’s a book or an opinion somewhere that someone is going to tell me that makes me feel good about letting a kid make a decision.” take it like That.’

Apology: A statement was released on Sunday on the performers, 43, social media platforms clarifying his views on the subject and highlighting his continued support for the LGBTQI+ community

Video message: On Monday, Ne-Yo released a new video urging his fans to hear his thoughts “from the horse’s mouth, not the publicist’s computer”

‘And that’s how I feel. If I get canceled for this, you know what, maybe this is a world where they don’t need Ne-Yo anymore.

‘And I have no problem with that. I’m a scammer, okay, and I’ll figure it out. I have to raise children and I will do that no matter what.’

‘I love everyone. Live how you want to live. Love how you want to love, but your opinion is yours. Say your opinion as much as you want, because like I said, they’re not special.’


He continued in the caption, “God knows I’m not perfect, I did indeed make my mistakes.

“And I apologized to the people I hurt for those mistakes. I couldn’t throw a stone if I wanted to, which I don’t. And I do not.’

“It is never my intention to offend anyone…but my opinion is MINE and I am entitled to it. I don’t care what you do with yours. That’s yours. This is how I feel.’

Interview: The artist was featured in VladTV alongside Gloria Velez where he expressed his disgust with the idea of ​​parents supporting their children coming out as transgender, especially at a young age

“If one of my 7 children decides that they want to become something other than what they were born with, once they are old and mature enough to make that decision… so be it. I’m not going to love them less.’

“Daddy is still Daddy and he loves you anyway. But this isn’t even a discussion until they are MENTALLY MATURE ENOUGH to have such a discussion.’

‘Period of time. Point empty. Whatever. You do you all, I do me and we can agree to disagree and live PEACEFULLY together. LOVE IS THE ONLY TRUE STRENGTH.’

The artist Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself) was featured VladTV next to Gloria Velez, where he expressed his disgust with the idea of ​​parents supporting their children coming out as transgender, especially at a young age.

“I just personally come from an era where a man was a man and a woman was a woman,” Ne-Yo said in the clip. And there were two genders, which is exactly how I rocked. You might identify as a goldfish if you think, I don’t care – that’s none of my business.

“It becomes my business if you try to make me play the game with you. I’m not going to call you goldfish; but if you want to be a goldfish, be a goldfish.”

The So Sick artist said in the clip that “we live in a weird time” amid the expanded awareness of gender identity.

Ne-Yo said in the clip that he felt parents should stress to their children, especially younger ones, that they stuck to their assigned gender at birth.

Opinion: He said he expressed disgust at the idea of ​​parents supporting their children coming out as transgender

The artist continued, “Gender identity is nuanced and I can honestly admit that I intend to educate myself more on the topic so I can approach future conversations with more empathy.”

“I feel like parents have almost forgotten what the role of a parent is,” the singer said. “When your little boy comes up to you and says, ‘Daddy, I want to be a girl.’ And you just let him rock with that?

“He’s five…if you let this five-year-old boy decide to eat candy all day, he’s going to do it.”

The musical artist, who has fathered seven children, wondered about the changing values ​​regarding gender identity in modern times.

“When did it become a good idea to let a five-year-old, a six-year-old, a twelve-year-old make a life-changing decision for herself?” he said. ‘When did that happen? I do not understand. He can’t drive a car yet, but can determine his gender?’

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