NCIS and Six Feet Under star Gabriel Olds is accused of raping another three women as victim reveals brutal way he woke her up when she passed out

Three more women have come forward claiming they were raped by Hollywood actor Gabriel Olds.

Olds, 52, was charged Monday by Los Angeles County prosecutors with five additional counts of sexual abuse, bringing the total number of charges against him to 12, involving six victims.

The three women came forward after reading about his previous arrest in July in the media. Several women came forward with horrific stories of consensual dates that ended in violence.

The alleged crimes are said to have taken place between 2013 and 2023.

The women, who graduated from Yale University, accused Olds, best known for his role as the young Pat Robertson in the Oscar-winning film The Eyes of Tammy Faye, of abusing his Ivy League status and Hollywood standing to put them in a vulnerable position after seducing them through dating apps.

Three more women have come forward claiming they were raped by Hollywood actor Gabriel Olds, pictured here in 2018

“Each victim indicated that Olds gave them a false sense of security during their initial encounters and then became sexually violent without asking their consent,” the Los Angeles Police Department said in a statement.

The charges include rape, rape of an unconscious person, sodomy, assault with intent to rape and battery on a girlfriend or partner.

The latest charges relate to attacks that occurred between 2021 and 2023, but prosecutors say they are looking at allegations dating back to when he was a student at Yale.

Olds has been held on $3.5 million bail since his arrest on August 4.

The latest charges allege that Olds sodomized a woman in September 2021, then raped another woman in May 2022. A third woman was allegedly sexually assaulted in May 2023.

The three new victims contacted police after reading about Olds’ alleged assaults in the media. All three were in relationships with the actor at the time.

Olds has been held on $3.5 million bail since his arrest on August 4 and is due in court on September 25.

Olds has been held on $3.5 million bail since his arrest on August 4 and is due in court on September 25.

Prosecutors say the attacks took place at Olds’ home, at another home owned by one of the victims and at a Los Angeles hotel.

LAPD Detective Brent Hopkins told the LA Times that none of the women knew each other, but that some of them had worked in the entertainment industry.

The investigation into the actor began in January 2023 after a 41-year-old woman reported being raped in her Los Angeles home.

Detectives subsequently learned of two other cases from women who had made similar allegations since 2013.

In all three cases, the women alleged that the dates with Olds had degenerated into violent sexual assaults.

One of the women was granted a restraining order against revealing details about her encounter with the actor.

She alleged that Olds filmed and photographed a non-consensual sexual encounter with her in January 2023.

Three new victims contacted police after reading about Olds' alleged assaults in the media. All three were in relationships with the actor at the time. He was depicted in an episode of NCIS

Three new victims contacted police after reading about Olds’ alleged assaults in the media. All three were in relationships with the actor at the time. He was depicted in an episode of NCIS

Two weeks later, she claimed that Olds choked her during sex and that she “asked him to stop.”

“I passed out. I think he hit me to wake me up,” she describes in court documents.

When she woke up, she saw Olds putting on a condom and trying to “spread my legs.”

She claimed the attack only stopped after she vomited on him.

Detective Hopkins said the alleged attacks were “very similar” to those suffered by the victim last year.

“We kept hearing the same story. Mr. Olds started out charming, but then he turned brutal,” Hopkins said.

“Some of these survivors suffered in silence for years before finding the strength to speak out,” he added. “Now that he’s off the streets, we want to make sure everyone has the chance to be heard.”

“There was a time when there wasn’t as much understanding of sexual assault… After #MeToo, there’s a lot more awareness, especially with the Danny Masterson and Harvey Weinstein cases,” Hopkins said. “People are more aware of what’s OK and what’s not OK and are more willing to speak out.”

Hopkins fears there will be more victims because there is a gap between the two attacks in 2013 and the one in 2023.

Olds is scheduled to appear in court on September 25. If found guilty, he could face decades in state prison.

“Mr. Olds has pleaded not guilty to all charges. He firmly believes that all sexual contact he had with the complaining witnesses was always consensual, a fact that the defense intends to prove in a court of law,” Olds’ attorney, Leonard Levine, wrote in a statement.

Olds has appeared in 74 acting roles in numerous films and television series since the late 1980s.

He appeared in episodes of NCIS, Six Feet Under, Party of Five and The Mentalist.