Navy SEAL Republican congressman on how he has taken battlefield tactics into Congress

Republican Rep. Morgan Luttrell says the lessons he learned as a Navy SEAL have translated into the way he leads Congress, with hard work and real determination.

During an exclusive interview with on the 79th anniversary of D-Day, the Texas freshman congressman said that seeking a higher position was “never on the agenda,” but God has a plan for everyone.

He said the shared experience he and his twin brother Marcus, who he talks to “every day” and who also served as a SEAL, grew up on a horse ranch in the country taught them both from a young age that “hard work and determination” . , integrity, character and tact’ were important in becoming a man.

The boys were up before sunrise to feed and water the horses and they were the last to fall asleep. He said they were also influenced to join the military by having relatives serve in almost every war the US has ever been involved in.

So I wouldn’t say it was almost inevitable that my brother and I would join the military and become SEALs. It’s just that we knew we were going to serve.”

His twin brother Marcus Luttrell is the ‘Lone Survivor’ whose harrowing experience during a 2005 mission in Afghanistan, where he emerged as the only survivor, was featured in an infamous film starring Mark Wahlberg.

Rep. Morgan Luttrell and his twin brother Marcus Luttrell, also known as the ‘Lone Survivor’

However, Morgan said he never read his brother’s book or saw the movie about the tragic mission to assassinate a top Taliban leader.

“I was sitting right next to my brother when he came back. So I have the unfiltered version of it,” he told

Luttrell told that he doesn’t have any SEAL memorabilia in his home and doesn’t force his own sons into military service, but he’d be happy if they did join.

He said the military was an “amazing experience” that made him “a stronger, more disciplined, driven individual.”

“The military has done so much for me and I knew I would take the risks. I did, and I was mentally prepared for that.’

“I’m the first congressman from my hometown. You know, and I can assure you growing up, I wasn’t the kid they referred to. And I got all of that from the military, every bit of it.”

Luttrell, who suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) herself, has spoken out about the need for better access to mental health care for veterans of all wars.

He said the transition from the SEAL team’s fast pace to normal life in the US was difficult to adjust at first.

Luttrell said he went straight back to high school, which helped keep his focus, but it took about five years for him to “turn the page completely” and start realizing that “I don’t have to be that guy anymore.”

“And it really allowed me to ditch my backpack and move forward, which was great,” he told after 14 years of service.

Luttrell went on to study TBIs so he could help his fellow brothers and sisters, which he calls a personal “passion.”

The freshman congressman from Texas told that when he speaks to World War II veterans, he just listens.

“We don’t compare stories because it’s totally different — that war, that invasion,” he said, especially since World War II soldiers would be deployed for years on end.

He said there are similarities if you “peel the onion far enough” because ultimately “fighting isn’t fighting until you code certain things.”

Luttrell says he watches “Saving Private Ryan” every June 6 to celebrate the anniversary of D-Day, which he says a veteran told him is the most accurate depiction of the invasion, other than the “smell.” , which is “where it sticks.”

As for the military’s focus on advancing “woke” issues at the expense of military readiness, Luttrell says it is “frustrating” but does not negatively affect the lethality of the armed forces.

“I don’t think drag shows that all that nonsense should be a military priority,” he said.

Rep.  Morgan Luttrell is a former Navy SEAL representing a district on the East Side of Texas

Rep. Morgan Luttrell is a former Navy SEAL representing a district on the East Side of Texas

“You let go of our marines, they conquer the world.  I guarantee it.  And I'm a Navy man saying that,” Luttrell said

“You let go of our marines, they conquer the world. I guarantee it. And I’m a Navy man saying that,” Luttrell said

Luttrell served in the military for 14 years before attending high school to study TBIs

Luttrell served in the military for 14 years before attending high school to study TBIs

Luttrell himself suffered a traumatic brain injury while in the SEALs

Luttrell himself suffered a traumatic brain injury while in the SEALs

Luttrell went on to study TBIs so he could help his fellow brothers and sisters, which he calls a personal passion.

Luttrell went on to study TBIs so he could help his fellow brothers and sisters, which he calls a personal passion.

But “speaking from experience, the U.S. military is the meanest, most aggressive, and scariest military in the world,” he continued. “We volunteer to fight.”

“You let go of our marines, they conquer the world. I guarantee it. And I’m a Navy man saying that,” he added.

On extending additional aid to Ukraine, which has currently divided Republicans in Congress, Luttrell said he is done sending “dollar bills.”

However, supporting Ukraine through training and supplying equipment that the US no longer uses must still be provided, he added.

“But I’m done with the dollar bills. That’s my personal point of view.’