Navy fires nuclear submarine captain because of ‘a loss of confidence in his ability to command’ as investigation is launched

  • Captain Geoffry Patterson was suddenly relieved of command of the USS Georgia
  • The Navy said he was under investigation but declined to provide more information
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A US Navy captain is suddenly and mysteriously relieved of command of a guided-missile submarine.

Captain Geoffry Patterson was summarily resigned as commanding officer of the USS Georgia by Rear Admiral Thomas Buchanan on Friday.

The Navy gave no reason for his sudden dismissal, saying only that it was “due to loss of confidence in his ability to command.”

“The Navy’s commanding officers must adhere to high standards of personal and professional conduct,” the Navy said.

“They are expected to maintain the highest standards of responsibility, reliability and leadership, and the Navy holds them accountable when they fail to meet those standards.”

Captain Geoffrey Patterson was summarily resigned as commander of the USS Georgia

Firing an officer for that reason is often the rule used when the Navy won’t explain why they were fired.

Submarine Group Ten, which includes the USS Georgia, revealed that Captain Patterson was under investigation but would not say more.

“As a matter of policy, the Navy does not comment on ongoing investigations or speculate on possible administrative and/or disciplinary actions,” the report said.

The USS Georgia is one of four nuclear-powered guided-missile submarines in the Navy, capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles.

They are also often used to support special forces on secret missions by taking them to their destination.

All four were originally Ohio-class submarines armed with nuclear-capable ballistic missiles, but were converted at least 15 years ago.

Captain Patterson was assigned command of USS Maryland (pictured at the time), an Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine, until June 2017 and took over the Blue Crew of USS Georgia in June 2022.

Captain Patterson was assigned command of USS Maryland (pictured at the time), an Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine, until June 2017 and took over the Blue Crew of USS Georgia in June 2022.

1705417979 360 Navy fires nuclear submarine captain because of a loss of

The USS Georgia is one of four nuclear-powered guided missile submarines in the Navy, capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles

Captain Christopher Osborn will take over as commanding officer and Captain Patterson will be relieved of duty.

Guided missile submarines have two crews that alternate. Captain Patterson commanded the Blue Crew and Captain Osborn commanded the Gold Crew.

Captain Patterson started out as a sailor before earning a degree in mechanical engineering and naval science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

He later earned a master’s degree from the US Naval War College in national security and strategic studies.

He was assigned command of the USS Maryland, an Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine, until June 2017 and took over the Blue Crew of the USS Georgia in June 2022.