Native American group urge Apache to change its name


Natives in Tech, a charitable organization founded to empower Native American peoples by offering networking events, among other things, has urged the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) to change its name out of respect for the Native culture it is said to represent. appropriate.

In a blog post (opens in new tab)criticizes the Apache group for not complying with its code of conduct, citing the technology company’s words: “be careful with the words that [they] Select”.

The company’s name is said to have originated when co-founder, Brian Behlendorf, watched a documentary about famed Native American chef Geronimo.

Apache change

What happened to the Apache by the Westerners who colonized the United States almost romantically represented what he felt, according to Behlendorf [the company was] do with this web server project.”

The article accuses Behlendorf of Indigenous erasure: the process of “removing, reframing, and undermining the Indigenous presence, past and present,” drawing attention to the eight federally recognized tribes in Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona that today bear the name carrying Apache.

“Sometimes we have been asked about allegations about the use of the name ‘Apache’ by the Apache Native American communities,” an excerpt on the company’s website (opens in new tab) is reading.

“During the twenty-five years that ‘Apache’ has been used as part of its name, ASF has never been involved in any legal dispute with Native American communities or any other party related to the use of the name ‘Apache’.”

As the company says, this isn’t the first time ASF has come under fire for its name and related imagery. The feather logo has previously been challenged as a stereotype for “Indianness,” according to another collaboration web postcalling for an end to the use of Native American names, images and mascots by businesses and sports teams.

Tech Radar Pro asked ASF if it has considered changing its name and if it is doing anything to counter the criticism it has received.

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