Nat Barr’s tough question for Anthony Albanese’s government about the Indigenous Voice to Parliament

Nat Barr has blasted the Anthony Albanian government over a claim from Jacinta Price as to why Australia doesn’t need an indigenous voice in parliament.

Senator Price stated that Australia already has a world-class democratic structure and disagreed with claims that the history of British colonization continues to have a damaging impact on Aboriginal people.

“We have running water and food that is easily available,” she said at a National Press Club event Thursday.

“Many of us have the same opportunities as all other Australians in this country, and we certainly have probably one of the best systems in the world in terms of the democratic structure.”

“If we continue to tell Aboriginal people that they are victims, we are essentially removing their agency and then giving them the expectation that someone else is responsible for their lives,” she said.

Senator Price said the campaign for an Indigenous voice in Parliament is underpinned by a ‘lie… that Indigenous Australians have no voice’.

“We have been told by the Indigenous Minister for Indigenous Australians that Indigenous people will not have a say in the policies or decisions made on our behalf.

‘I am one of 11 Indigenous voices currently in Parliament… The patronizing suggestion that we cannot focus our efforts on improving the lives of marginalized Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people because we are looking after the electorate must be resolutely are rejected.’

The senator’s comments were still a talking point for Sunrise host Nat Barr on Friday morning when Minister Jason Clare and Deputy Opposition Leader Sussan Ley appeared on the programme, sparking a fiery debate between the politicians.

“Jacinta Price says we don’t need a vote in Parliament because we have a world-class democratic structure,” Barr began.

“We have Indigenous MPs, and in fact they are Indigenous voices in our parliament. What do you say?’

Nat Barr has some tough questions about the Voice referendum as Jason Clare (left) and Sussan Ley (right) appeared on Sunrise on Friday

Mr Clare hit back, arguing that there were Coalition MPs who both publicly and privately supported the Vote.

‘I understand that Jacinta doesn’t think it’s a good idea, but there are many Liberal and National MPs who say they don’t support it.

“But privately I know that in four weeks they will vote ‘yes’ at the ballot box,” he said.

“I don’t say that to put them on national television, but to talk to Liberal and National voters who are watching now to say this is not a Labor idea, this is not a Liberal idea, this is the idea of ​​Indigenous Australians.

“In four weeks we will have the opportunity to do what we should have done 122 years ago, and that is to recognize Indigenous people in our first document in the Constitution.”

Ms Ley accused the Labor government of failing to distance itself from prominent Yes campaigner Professor Marcia Langton – who accused the No campaign of being based on “basic racism” or “sheer stupidity” and previously said Australia was a racist country .

“I think they really should have removed Marcia Langton from that group for the sake of our rapprochement.

“But that’s why this vote is so divisive, led by a Prime Minister who has rushed the timeline and insisted everyone must vote yes, surrounded by people he supports who say Australians are racist,” Ms Ley said .

Australia does not need an indigenous voice in parliament because we already have a world-class democratic structure, says Jacinta Price

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Yes campaigners have four weeks to convince Australians to support The Voice

However, Mr Clare hit back, saying The Voice is an opportunity to ensure taxpayers’ money is better spent on closing the gap and improving the lives of Indigenous Australians.

“If you’re an Indigenous Australian today, you’re more likely to die in childbirth, you’re more likely to die younger than the rest of us, you’re more likely to develop chronic illness, you’re less likely to complete school, you’re more likely to if you’re an indigenous guy going to jail then going to college,” he said.

“By listening we can make better decisions and get better results, and that’s what it’s all about.”

Barr agreed, describing the current statistics for Indigenous Australians as dire.

Ms Ley argued that more needs to be done at the grassroots level rather than by a group of elitists at the highest levels of government.

“This is the prime minister’s divisive voice,” she said.

“Jason describes it as recognition in the Constitution. We agree with that. But he describes it as an advisory panel as if there really is nothing to see here.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese came under fire from Deputy Opposition Leader Sussan Ley for not distancing himself from Marcia Langton’s comments

“When we listen to the members who designed this Voice, we are instilling fear and disgust, this is what the Prime Minister will not shy away from, and you know, it comes out of both sides of your mouth, I’m afraid.

Clare fired back: “Politicians have been talking about this for decades and we have failed.

“The bottom line is that the election failed and we need to do something different.

Barr agreed that change needs to happen as she flipped the segment.

Earlier in the show, Barr agreed with the panelist’s calls that everyone’s opinion on the Voice should be respected, regardless of their side.

“I would say that if you want to vote no, you shouldn’t be labeled as stupid and racist,” said Triple M radio host Luke Bona.

Barr added: “Everyone should have their own opinion, and everyone should respect it.”

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