Naomi Watts becomes new face of vocal campaign group fighting to end the taboo of menopause

It is the outspoken campaign group that has helped raise awareness of menopause in the UK.

But now Menopause Mandate is expanding to the US, with Hollywood star Naomi Watts heading up his new division across the pond.

The 54-year-old, twice nominated for Best Actress at the Oscars, has spoken out in her quest to end the stigma surrounding “the change,” focusing on how affected women are made to feel “not- sexy, barren, bad-tempered old’. ladies’ and complain about society for making menopause a ‘dirty word’.

Her arrival to the campaign group, which became one today, was announced in the Houses of Parliament by Chair Mariella Frostrup, who said members are “thrilled” to join Naomi.

Menopause Mandate has gained thousands of supporters since its inception, launched a hotline, published a book and held a rally.

It wants to break the ‘scandalous’ taboo surrounding menopause and strengthen health care and society’s support and advice for women.

Menopause Mandate expands to the US, with actress Naomi Watts (pictured) heading up the new division across the pond

Menopause Mandate celebrates its first birthday in the Houses of Parliament today. Pictured from left: Michelle Griffith-Robinson, Lisa Snowden, Penny Lancaster and Lavina Mehta MBE

Menopause Mandate celebrates its first birthday in the Houses of Parliament today. Pictured from left: Thorrun Govind, Michelle Griffith-Robinson, Lavina Mehta MBE and Penny Lancaster

Mariella, journalist and president of the group, told attendees at the event, “I am delighted to confirm that Menopause Mandate is heading to the US, where my American counterpart will be supernova actor Naomi.

“Who could be better qualified to lead our US acquisition and lead our community there?

“We are thrilled to have such an inspiring, trailblazing and downright amazing woman.”

Radio DJ and presenter Jo Whiley, as well as author and screenwriter Emma Kennedy, were also confirmed as two new UK-based patrons.

Carolyn Harris MP, Lisa Snowdon, Penny Lancaster, Michelle Griffith Robinson, Lavina Mehta and Cherry Healey are all patrons of Menopause Mandate and attended the event.

It featured three panels on menopause, chaired by TV presenter Cherry Healey and Penny Lancaster.

Menopause Mandate also launched a series of short films sponsored by London-based pharmaceutical company Theramex.

Aimed at healthcare professionals, the videos feature pharmacist Thorrun Govind and British Menopause Society accredited menopause specialist and trainer Dr. Juliet Balfour, who runs an NHS menopause clinic.

Free for all GPs, pharmacists and their teams. Topics covered include the diagnosis of perimenopause and menopause, how to prescribe HRT correctly, the truth about testosterone, how the HRT PPC works, advice for people with breast cancer and what lifestyle advice can be given.

Mariella Frostrup (pictured), journalist and president of the group, told those in attendance: “I’m delighted to confirm that Menopause Mandate is going to the United States, where my American counterpart will be supernova actor Naomi Watts.”

Menopause Mandate celebrates its first birthday in the Houses of Parliament today. Pictured from left: Alex Mahon and Mariella Frostrup

Menopause Mandate celebrates its first birthday in the Houses of Parliament today. Pictured from left: Thorrun Govind, Michelle Griffith-Robinson, Lisa Snowden, Penny Lancaster and Lavina Mehta MBE

Ms Govind, who is also president of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society in England, said: ‘Pharmacists are an important part of the community and these free, fast and accessible films will support them in supporting their patients while acknowledging the pressures under they stand. ‘

The event also covered the Menstruation, menstrual health and menopause in the workplace standard from British Standards Institution (BSI).

The BSI, which sets standards for organizations in the UK, published the document last year that provides guidance on how to build a menopause-inclusive environment.

Ms Harris said: ‘When I think back to this last time last year and remember the anger and frustration that so many of us have felt, I feel a real sense of pride in how far we’ve come.

“On the first anniversary of Menopause Mandate, we are celebrating the achievements of everyone who has joined us in our mission to provide better access to menopause support and treatment for all.

“We’re seeing real progress, but there’s a lot more to do, and I’m excited to see what we celebrate around this time next year.”


Menopause is when a woman stops menstruating and can no longer conceive naturally.

It usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55.

It is a normal part of aging and is caused by levels of the sex hormone estrogen falling.

Some women go through this time with few or no symptoms.

Others experience hot flashes, trouble sleeping, mood swings, and brain fog, which can last for months or years and change over time.

HRT replaces the hormones and is the main treatment used to treat symptoms, which can be severe and disrupt daily life.

Menopause occurs when your ovaries stop producing as much of the hormone estrogen and stop releasing an egg every month.

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