Mystery pooper at Sunshine Fitness is called out by gym coach

A bodybuilder has criticised another gym-goer for relieving himself in the shared shower, prompting a search for the ‘mysterious poo’ that was responsible.

Micheal Croser was alerted to the disgusting discovery when he arrived for a coaching session at Sunshine Fitness in Melbourne’s west on Monday morning.

“What I am about to show you is one of the lowest forms of disrespect to other gym members and to the public that is known,” he said in a video posted on social media.

‘And now I’m sitting here in the men’s room at Sunshine Fitness, where I work and where we love to train.

‘We had to put a sign outside the shower because some dirty bastard did some shitty shit in the fucking shower – and there’s just a toilet.

“This is absolutely unacceptable in this gym. If you’re going to start doing this, you better find another gym. Because if we catch you, you’re out.”

According to Mr. Croser, the problem reflects the declining standard of gym etiquette across the country.

Amateur bodybuilder and fitness trainer Michael Croser (pictured) has slammed a member of his gym after they pooped in a shared shower and didn’t clean it up

“You pick up a weight, you put it back. If you start sweating, you have a towel with you and you wipe down your machine,” Mr. Croser said.

‘If you have to go to the toilet, you use the toilet.’

“It actually makes sense, but these days there are a lot of new people who haven’t learned proper gym etiquette yet.”

He added that he was often laughed at when he asked younger gym-goers to bring the equipment.

Many of his fellow athletes agreed that standards had dropped and they discovered the mysterious blunder.

“Bro, I walked in here and had to skip my shower today. I almost threw up when I walked in and found it,” someone said.

A second added: ‘Disgusting behaviour, one of our members did this every time he had a shower.’

A third said: ‘Sadly, these kinds of things happen far too often, and not just in gyms.’

“We’ve had people throw up in the sink and leave it there, mash waffles in the shower, leave ‘toys’ on the walls and benches, condoms in the shower, you name it. I’ve seen it in every gym I’ve worked at,” added another.

‘Some people are like pigs, imagine what their houses look like.’