Mystery blonde woman in Latrell Mitchell’s white powder photo is revealed

  • The mysterious blonde woman in Latrell Mitchell’s photo has been unmasked
  • Amy Brown said she was the person in the photo with the ‘white powder’
  • She said on Facebook that she ‘likes to have a little fun and make bags’

The identity of the blonde woman in a photo that appears to show Latrell Mitchell with an unknown white powder has been revealed, sparking online controversy over who leaked the photo.

Amy Brown wrote the following message on Facebook after the scandal broke on Monday: ‘Disappointed that they got on my bad side. Did me dirty.’

She can be seen in the foreground of the photo, which shows South Sydney star Mitchell hunched over a table of white powder with his left hand in front of his face.

Souths reported the image to the NRL Integrity Unit, confirming it was taken from Mitchell’s trip to the rural town of Dubbo last weekend, where he was doing volunteer work and attending a coaching course.

Daily Mail Australia does not claim the white substance is an illegal drug.

The NRL questioned Mitchell about the photo on Tuesday as he remains sidelined with a foot injury which could see him miss the rest of the season.

Brown, who according to her Facebook profile lives and works in the New South Wales town of Lightning Ridge, about 350 kilometres north of Dubbo, has been embroiled in an altercation with Dubbo residents, who accused her of leaking the photo to the media.

She strongly denies the allegations, saying she “didn’t even know the photo existed” until it was shown to her last Sunday.

The mystery blonde pictured with Latrell Mitchell in the white powder saga has been revealed

Mitchell is being investigated by the NRL Integrity Unit after the photo went viral over the weekend. A blonde woman can be seen in the photo and has been revealed as Amy Brown

Brown jokingly said on Facebook that the photographer “saw my bad side”

Brown wrote in a Facebook post Thursday: “I like to have a little fun and make bags when I go out.”

‘Bags’ is a commonly used slang term for small packets of cocaine or other illegal drugs in powder form.

Daily Mail Australia has contacted Brown for comment.

Mitchell has kept a low profile since the photo circulated online, but his adviser Matt Rose did reveal the footballer’s mental state.

“Latrell is doing well,” he told 7News on Tuesday.

‘Yeah, I mean, at the moment he’s not allowed to comment under NRL rules.’

Mitchell has kept a low profile following the scandal that has rocked football

The photo is believed to have been taken last weekend in Dubbo, where Mitchell was helping to lead a women’s football clinic.

“Has he had a chance to actually speak to the integrity unit to explain himself? That’s all happening at the moment,” Rose said.

“Once that’s done, he can talk to you.”

Mitchell’s NSW Blues teammate Jarome Luai addressed the topic after training on Tuesday.

“I think it’s a very sensitive subject when you start talking about it,” Luai said.

“When I think about it, I want to make sure I’m doing the right thing and that I’m sending a positive message to my audience.

‘I wish him a lot of strength. I am sure he really regrets what happened.’

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