Mysterious birth of three highly endangered lemur pups baffles zookeepers

They only occur in Madagascar and the Comoros.

Lemurs live in different habitats. Some live in humid, tropical rainforests, while others live in dry desert areas.

The largest ever living species of lemur was the Archaeoindris, weighing between 160 and 200 kg. It became extinct when people first settled in Madagascar about 2,000 years ago.

Lemurs are prosimians or primitive primates. They are social animals with long limbs, flexible toes and fingers and long noses.

Each type of lemur looks very different. They vary in color from reddish brown to gray and also come in many different sizes.

The smallest lemur, the dwarf lemur, weighs only 28 grams, but the largest, the Indri and Diademed Sifaka, can weigh up to 6.8 kg, which is equivalent to a big cat.

Lemurs are mainly vegetarian, generally eating fruits and leaves. Some are nocturnal, while others are active during the day or at dawn.

Lemurs are often seen 'sunbathing' in a meditative position. Because their bellies are not as protected from a colder environment, these animals will warm themselves by basking in sunlight before continuing their daily foraging activities.

Lemurs use their lower teeth, incisors and canines as a dental comb to groom themselves and other members of the group.

Lemurs are vocal animals, making sounds that range from the grunts and curses of brown lemurs and sifaka to the chirping of mouse lemurs to the eerie, wailing call of the indri.

Habitat loss is the biggest threat to lemurs today, as people cut down their native forests for agricultural land. 80 percent of the lemur's native habitat in Madagascar has been destroyed.

Of the 50 different species of lemurs, 10 are critically endangered, 7 are endangered and 19 are considered vulnerable.

All lemur species are protected, making it illegal to hunt or capture lemurs for trade.