My Weekly horoscope: What will June 3 to 9 bring for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer tells all

This week’s Full Moon means the arrival of Venus in Leo (linked to the mysterious Pluto) prompts us to question everyday narratives. The more optimistic we are about our own storylines, the more we will enjoy the twists and turns ahead.

read more horoscopes from MailOnline.


March 21 – April 20

We tend to think that if we feel good about something, it must be the “right” thing to do. And if we get a negative response, it’s a sign that there’s a hidden downside to a person or a situation. But is it really that simple? For example, children are excited about chocolate and hate the idea of ​​going to bed. And we all have an inner child within us that influences our decisions and life choices. Are we in danger of encouraging our bad habits and moving away from good ideas? Events this week will make you benefit from questioning an assumption.

Let the Full Moon guide you to the future you secretly long for. Call your latest forecast: 0906 751 5601.

This week’s Full Moon means the arrival of Venus in Leo (linked to the mysterious Pluto) prompts us to question everyday narratives. The more optimistic we are about our own storylines, the more we will enjoy the twists and turns ahead


April 21 – May 21

We all know not to fight fire with fire. Or just lower our standards because other people lower theirs. This week you must defend the integrity of your beliefs and ideas. Be as calm and regal as you can be. Pretend you have the right on your side (even if you’re not quite sure what’s right). By acting confidently and directly, you encourage a surprising, welcome change in someone’s attitude. With their support you can turn a difficult situation into a successful one.

This Full Moon is powerful. You can change your life. Your latest forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5602.


May 22 – June 22

We enjoy telling others how to live because it is easier to criticize someone than to admit our own mistakes. And it’s easier to give advice than to take it. That’s why we are surrounded by experts! We all want expert advice. But real experts know that no matter how much knowledge they have, they will never understand everything. This week, watch out for anyone who sees things in black and white. The gray space may not look exciting, but it’s where real possibilities can be found.

Big changes are in store between now and the next New Moon. Call 0906 751 5603 for an eerily accurate forecast.


June 23 – July 23

You’ve been going through a rough time lately. And the story is still unfolding. Soon you will have the opportunity to process the meaning of all that you have experienced and learned. But right now you’re still in the thick of the action. There are challenges to face and tough questions to respond to. You have needs that can’t be ignored and chances are you won’t turn your back on them. Slowly but surely you will realize which of these matter (and which don’t). This week brings more than fresh perspective. It brings you a well-deserved chance.

Don’t miss your moon sign prediction. The energy of the Full Moon can positively inspire your week. Call 0906 751 5604.


July 24 – August 23

If you read through this prediction quickly, it won’t be long before you’re back doing what you “should” be doing. But are you putting yourself under unreasonable pressure? Do you allow someone to set an unfairly demanding agenda? Is there a reason why you have to hurry? Yes, Mars is in your sign and Venus is coming, but you don’t have to meet ridiculous deadlines. You can do great things this week. When you stand your ground and state your boundaries, you can focus on your needs. And reach them.

The Full Moon brings transformation. Call your eerily accurate moon sign forecast: 0906 751 5605.

What will June 3-9 bring for your zodiac sign? Oscar Cainer (pictured) tells it all


August 24 – September 23

How valued are you? How much do you matter? I’m not asking because you have to compare the amount of gratitude other people show someone else to the amount they give you. It’s about how much you value yourself and your achievements. We all doubt ourselves sometimes. And since we all need (and deserve) to feel good about who we are, it helps when others show their appreciation. When events, this week, help boost your self-esteem and confidence, enjoy the feeling. You deserve it!

The full moon can cheer you up! Call your moon sign forecast. Dial your date of birth: 0906 751 5606.


September 24 – October 23

Can you predict what will happen next? You can – you are going to read the rest of your prediction! It’s easy to work out what’s going to happen when it’s so close. But what does the next week have in store? Is there a lottery win at stake? Will a miraculous solution appear that will make your worries disappear? Can you solve tricky problems? The last question is the most valid. It contains the words ‘will you be able?’ And the answer is yes! You just have to believe that what will happen next is good.

There is a full moon and your future can be revealed and changed. Pick up the phone! Call 0906 751 5607.


October 24 – November 22

You got this! Your plan is doable. Success this week can bring the warm glow of contentment to your world. But… there is something I must add. Every advantage has a downside, and as a sensitive Scorpio you are realistic enough to understand that. But the truth is that the downside is not worth worrying about. It’s more that, with your ruler, Pluto, connected to Venus, the planet of love, you have a right to be picky. Don’t just do what seems easiest and simplest. Go for what feels deepest right.

Your latest moon sign prediction will touch your heart and lift your spirits. Call 0906 751 5608 for inspiring advice.


November 23 – December 21

What if you misjudged something? What if you misinterpret the signs and add layers of inappropriate understanding? After all, we are all capable of fooling ourselves and being wrong. Need to make sure you don’t confuse fact with fiction? Yes! But some facts are comforting and some fictions are unnecessarily harsh. This week may prove you wrong about what appears to be wrong! With the full moon in your sign, your outlook is much more positive than you expect.

The Full Moon has a powerful message. Call 0906 751 5609 to hear your eerily accurate forecast.


December 22 – January 20

You could sit and talk about a certain situation forever. But no matter what you hear, nothing will change your mind or change your point of view. Nor will there be much movement in another’s attitude. But while disagreement is in the air, there is no need to argue. Acceptance is key. This week calls for a statement of your position, followed by a negotiation. Complete agreement could be impossible. But if a disagreement is managed carefully, you’ll be happy with what becomes possible.

Change your future! Call now for your personalized Full Moon forecast. It contains valuable news. Call 0906 751 5610.


January 21 – February 19

Do you remember playing ‘pass the parcel’? Some people think that this kids party game is a metaphor for life. It has to do with responsibility. No one wants the debt to fall into their laps, so they pass it on to the next person as quickly as possible. When we hold the package, we are dealing with what hides between the layers. Even though there are opportunities, we don’t always want to seize them. Sometimes it’s easier to let someone else handle it. But this week the music stops when the power is in your hands.

What will the Full Moon reveal? For news that will make your spine tingle and your heart skip a beat, call 0906 751 5611.


February 20 – March 20

When they tell us that “patience is a virtue,” it’s like they’re trying to convince us that it’s okay to be easygoing. Still, patience is more than an optional add-on. It’s essential. Without it we can’t achieve much and we probably won’t get much pleasure out of our lives. Perhaps we would find it easier if it were portrayed as a vice. We are much more attracted to naughty things than things that are good for us! Proceed with caution this week. There is no need to expend huge amounts of energy. Good things unfold naturally.

Let the full moon reveal your future. Call 0906 751 5612 for four minutes of valuable insight.

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