My Weekly Horoscope: What will January 21st to 28th bring for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer tells all 


The New Moon is linked to Pluto, heralding the Chinese New Year. Meanwhile, Uranus begins to move forward and the entire zodiac begins to pull in the same direction. The seeds planted can now become a solid and tangible part of our reality.

read more horoscopes in MailOnline.


March 21 – April 20

When something difficult comes up, you can deal with it immediately. If it’s impossible, it may take a little longer, but you’ll get it done. So the situation you are currently stuck in is puzzling. It is as if you are involved in a battle that you cannot win. No matter what you do, someone will feel upset or wronged. It’s a good job, you’re such a calm soul, or you’d be grinding your teeth in frustration. What’s that? Are you grinding and grinding them? Fortunately, that is about to change. The worst of this nonsense is over. The New Year brings optimism and hope.

For inspiring news, call 0906 751 5601.

The New Moon is linked to Pluto, heralding the Chinese New Year. Oscar Cainer tells you what he has in store for your sign this week…


April 21 – May 21

A remote castle can be effective at keeping marauders at bay, but it’s not easy for the people who live within its walls: there’s no one outside to socialize with. Similarly, cultivating a tough attitude reduces the chance of getting our hearts broken, but it also reduces our ability to form meaningful relationships. Protection always has a price. Sometimes it is better to be vulnerable than to lack compassion. If you have doubts this week, choose to be honest. Don’t limit your options when there is so much joy to share.

Make your dreams come true in 2023. Call 0906 751 5602.


May 22 – June 22

It is one thing to be enraged and another to be furious. It is one thing to be determined, another to be obsessed. It is one thing to be cautious and another to be paranoid. There’s something you want this week. You have the right to want it. But if you want it too fervently, you won’t be able to make proper use of it when you get it. There is a point beyond which it is unwise to go. It is the point from which passion begins to seem more important than patience. When you get there, go back. Then you will be able to fully appreciate what you have.

For news to help make 2023 the year your dreams come true, call 0906 751 5603.


June 23 – July 23

Sometimes it’s better to keep your head below the parapet. If you want to know if the coast is clear, just send a messenger to check the surroundings and then make your decision whether or not to venture out. Suppose, this week, that you will not be able to resolve a stressful situation no matter what you do or say. Actually, the more effort you exert, the hotter it will become. The New Moon gives you the wisdom to stay neutral and take care of yourself. Warring factions can solve the problem. It won’t take as long as you think. Let 2023 bring the changes you desire.

For encouraging news, call their annual forecasts on 0906 751 5604.

The New Moon links up with Pluto (pictured), heralding the Chinese New Year.  Meanwhile, Uranus begins to move forward and the entire zodiac begins to pull in the same direction...

The New Moon links up with Pluto (pictured), heralding the Chinese New Year. Meanwhile, Uranus begins to move forward and the entire zodiac begins to pull in the same direction…


July 24 – August 23

It’s easy to get frustrated when old problems keep cropping up and keeping you from focusing on your new plans. However, this week he brings a different and more useful heavenly energy. As Uranus changes direction, all the planets come together in a combination that encourages you to take initiative and take bold steps on the path to progress. All those residual past commitments that have been getting in the way can be easily dealt with. Before you know it, you’ll see incontrovertible proof that you’re on the road to success. There are good reasons to be optimistic!

Things may turn out well in 2023. Call your annual forecasts on 0906 751 5605.


August 24 – September 23

When you work in astrology, if there’s a mistake in a plan, people wonder if Mercury has gone retrograde. Interestingly, with Mercury ruling your sign, you’re also someone people turn to (and sometimes blame) when things don’t go as planned. But that’s because you’re very organized and responsible, not because you make mistakes. This week, as all the planets move forward, use your enthusiasm to make miraculous progress with a project you’re passionate about. Get ready for applause and appreciation.

For good news about your romantic prospects in 2023, call your yearly forecasters on 0906 751 5606.


September 24 – October 23

You are looking for something. But how do you know you’re looking in the right place and looking for the right thing? When you consider that the world is full of lost and found, misplaced possessions, and questions that cannot be answered, you see that you are in good company. When people hunt without success it is because they are looking in the most obvious place or because they are missing something. This week, the legacy of the New Moon encourages you to increase your field and depth of vision. If you expand your network, you will find what you are looking for.

There is hope on your horizon in 2023! To hear his predictions for the coming year, call 0906 751 5607.


October 24 – November 22

As the New Moon links up with your ruler, Pluto, your emotions are in overdrive. This week, as you investigate your inner desires, you can access intuitive ways to bring them out of your unconscious mind and into your lived reality. Although intense emotional experiences are not easy, they have the potential to transform your relationships in positive ways. And, as your self-awareness increases, the force of your emotions can inspire you to make decisions that empower you and your loved ones. It’s transformation time! There is great potential for you in 2023!

Let your forecasts for the coming year guide you to success. Call 0906 751 5608.


November 23 – December 21

Most obstacles are opportunities in disguise. If you are determined to find a way to overcome them, you will succeed. Others are impassable. They are too big, wide, tall, or deep. No matter how much effort you put in, you will be wasting your time. The challenge is to discover the difference between the two types! The only way to do this seems to involve trying it for a while and seeing how far you get. The problem you are currently involved in can be turned to your advantage. It is worth focusing on him and giving him one more chance. This year will be much better than you think!

Find the best way to make it a year to remember. Call 0906 751 5609.


December 22 – January 20

Imagination is a powerful and wonderful thing. Life would be bleak without him. There would be no art, no stories, no legends, no music. However, it also generates unnecessary fear. We can create all kinds of imaginary problems and make them seem incredibly real. Even when other people tell us that we worry for no reason, we refuse to believe them. This week, in the legacy of the New Moon’s link with Pluto, be sure to dream of inspiring possibilities. Don’t let anxiety spoil such a positive outlook. The cosmos is on your side in 2023.

Find out how you can benefit from the luck it brings. Call 0906 751 5610.


January 21 – February 19

Does life have to be difficult this week? Are you bound to experience problems and tension? Does something have to change beyond recognition? Or can you ride a wave of change and end up in a safe and happy place? Much depends on your attitude. As innovative Uranus, your ruler, changes direction, you can expect amazing developments. There may be turmoil and some challenges to deal with, but you absolutely won’t face anything that isn’t helpful. A happy outcome is perfectly possible.

Gain power over your future: 2023 holds the potential for transformation. Call for news at 0906 751 5611.


February 20 – March 20

Do you have the right to celebrate? What a ridiculous question! You’re here on this spinning ball of rock, enjoying the gift of life, aren’t you? To suggest that this is not enough is like insulting all of creation. We all have the right to enjoy… it’s just that we get so involved in life’s challenges that we tend to forget. And if we are not careful, we lose sight of the fact that we are surrounded by situations and people that deserve to be celebrated. This week brings many reasons and ways to enjoy. Continue! You deserve it!

Do you want to know what 2023 holds for you? For inspiring news, call 0906 751 5612.

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