My Weekly Horoscope: What Will August 5-12 Bring for MY Zodiac Sign? Oscar Cainer tells it all

Life presents us with situations that make us think about why we do what we do. This week’s Venus-Uranus link challenges our values. By being true to ourselves, we can tell our story, with our heads held high.


March 21 – April 20

It’s hard to understand what people say if they don’t speak our language. Some words may look similar, while others that sound similar have different meanings. That’s when we can get the wrong end of the stick. As with words, so with experiences. The toughest ones are the ones we think we know how to handle…but we don’t! Take your time to process what is happening this week, don’t jump to conclusions.

Your four-minute forecast is packed with important news. Call 0906 751 5601.

This week’s Venus-Uranus link challenges our values. By being true to ourselves, we can tell our story, with our heads held high


April 21 – May 21

You are a determined Taurus. No matter how hard the challenge, your instinct is to keep going. That’s noble… but a little short-sighted. This week you need to pace yourself. Sometimes that means telling people you can’t do what they want. It means letting someone down a little so you don’t have to disappoint them often. It’s time for self-care. Lift up.

Change your life! Your four-minute week ahead forecast has great news. Call 0906 751 5602.


May 22 – June 22

Your confidence has taken a hit. And it distorts your assessment of a situation so that you see problems where there are none. That increases your uncertainty. Argh! The irony is that everything is going perfectly. The problem you are facing is exactly what you are dealing with to make the right decision about your future. This week brings reassurance. You’re on the right track.

Want to hear priceless information about your upcoming week? Call 0906 751 5603.


June 23 – July 23

If you enjoy a peaceful life, why spend time with “you know who”? Why do you spend time on “you know what”? And why are you so drawn to that crazy idea… you know the one? This is not about revealing secrets! It’s about reminding you that you don’t want a quiet life. You like excitement. If you know what you want this week, chances are you’ll get it.

Do yourself a favor; treat yourself! There is good news in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5604.

My Weekly Horoscope: What Will August 5-12 Bring for MY Zodiac Sign?  Oscar Cainer tells it all

My Weekly Horoscope: What Will August 5-12 Bring for MY Zodiac Sign? Oscar Cainer tells it all


July 24 – August 23

Are you ready for a surprise? As Venus, in your sign, connects with wayward Uranus, a positive force arrives. Will it be a development in your love life? In all probability! Even if it’s not clearly related, it’s about something you’ve wanted for a long time that will bring you pleasure. Embrace the changes coming your way this week. You will be delighted with the opportunities they provide.

Transform your life into a week of heavenly creativity. Call 0906 751 5605 for your forecast for the week ahead.


August 24 – September 23

Instead of asking for what you think you can get, try asking for what you want. Just because you’re an Earth Virgo doesn’t mean you have to limit yourself to pragmatic possibilities. You don’t need to set practical goals until you’ve proven conclusively that idealism doesn’t work. Why compromise on an ideal that turns out to be possible?

I have much more to tell you. Your last four-minute forecast is packed with insights. Call 0906 751 5606.


September 24 – October 23

Is there anything you want me to tell you about your week? Is there a wish you would like to fulfill? A dream you want to make part of your reality? You don’t need reassurance from me, do you? Don’t trust yourself to get it done? You should! You are in a powerful position. The Venus-Uranus link gives you the insight to take significant action. You just need confidence in yourself.

To hear how life could change for the better, call your forecast for the week ahead: 0906 751 5607.


October 24 – November 22

You think a complicated story has come to an end. That there are no more surprises in store. Even if you’re not happy with how things turned out, you’ve accepted it. Still, you miss important information. Factors that have remained under your radar are about to be revealed. This week, an inspiring look at an aspect of your past will help you build a brighter future.

Excitement is in the air. Find out how to maximize your happiness this week. Call 0906 751 5608.


November 23 – December 21

Some aspect of your life needs to be reviewed. It’s been taking too long. It’s not engaging (or rewarding). You make excuses for people and endure a challenging situation. Instead of wondering why/how you got into it, focus on what you can do to change it. As the sun connects with your ruler, Jupiter, be clear about what you want and you’ll find a way to get it.

Just four minutes on the phone can change your life. Call 0906 751 5609.


December 22 – January 20

Personal triumphs can be lonely. Sharing a moment of success with someone by your side is satisfying. Victories that come from working with others create lasting bonds. You may feel that your involvement in a project is unimportant. But you play a vital role and the coming cosmic reward has your name as well as other people’s. The recognition is deserved.

Your forecast for the week ahead can be one of the most rewarding conversations you’ll have. Call 0906 751 5610.


January 21 – February 19

If you could make a change that would bring more happiness to your world, what would it be? Be honest. If you deceive yourself, you will decrease your chances of taking advantage of this week’s cosmic gifts. You could hinder your chance to maximize the opportunities that come your way. If your ruler, Uranus, connects with Venus, by communicating your feelings, you will find support that will help you realize a dream.

Give me four minutes and I’ll give you the key to your future. Call 0906 751 5611.


February 20 – March 20

We think we are surrounded by people who are more informed than we are. Since we assume they know better, we watch ourselves to make sure we don’t do crazy things. The reality is that the world is full of people who are nervous about being seen making mistakes. Often they hide their fears behind smoke screens of power and opinion. This week will be courageous and speaking your truth will make you feel good…and earn you respect.

The future awaits you. For insight call 0906 751 5612.

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