My weekly horoscope: What does February 6 bring for MY zodiac sign? Oscar Cainer tells it all


There is nothing wrong with healthy competition. But should we make artists winners and losers? Today, when the Grammy Awards are announced and awards are given to the world’s best-selling musicians, let’s not forget that these are awards for commercial sales, and that can’t be the only barometer by which we judge success. Following the link of Venus with Mars, there will be more meaningful ways to measure achievement.

Read more MailOnline horoscopes.

What does February 6 bring for MY zodiac sign? Oscar Cainer (pictured) tells it all. There is nothing wrong with healthy competition.


March 21 – April 20

We talk about ‘white lies’ as if there is a gray area between truth and falsehood. We go there when we are trying to avoid hurting someone’s feelings or hoping to avoid an argument. However, as much as people want to believe us, we all know when we are being lied to. We are aware that something is not ‘quite right’. You know they haven’t told you the whole truth. But the withholding of information was in his favor. Time needed to pass. Now, you are ready to deal with reality.

Let the Full Moon guide you towards the future you secretly yearn for. Call your latest forecast: 0906 751 5601.


April 21- May 21

We recently talked about the line between the sea and the coast where two worlds meet. The ocean obeys a different set of laws than the land. It stretches for countless miles, creating a vast area where humans struggle to exist. The water’s edge is a meeting place between two extremes. That’s what makes it so magical. The Legacy of the Full Moon allows you to unite two reconcilable forces. If you can come to a compromise, you’ll connect with someone who works surprisingly well together.

Do not miss the forecast of your moon sign. The energy of the Full Moon can positively inspire your week. Call 0906 751 5602.


May 22 – June 22

Magazines that publish photos of celebrities doing their shopping sell millions of copies. Images of the world’s rich and famous donning a pair of marigold gloves as they embark on washing dishes make us smile. But who knows, maybe it’s the way they choose to relax! Maybe they enjoy housework. And even if it catches them off guard, surely it wouldn’t affect their success? If you have to deal with a day of worldliness, do so with a light heart. The process could reveal rich information that leads to success.

The Full Moon brings transformation. Call your eerily accurate moon forecast: 0906 751 5603.


June 23 – July 23

The pressure has been building. The Full Moon highlighted a hidden problem, which now needs to be addressed. A truth must be recognized. The more you refuse, the more uncomfortable and unsatisfactory the situation will become. When a mistake has been made, it must now be corrected. But first you have to understand it. Fortunately, you have the insight that other people lack, and the insight to know the best way to instigate needed change. Be brave. You benefit from taking action.

The full moon can lift your spirits! Call the forecast of your moon sign. Dial your date of birth: 0906 751 5604.

Do not miss the forecast of your moon sign. The energy of the Full Moon can positively inspire your week


July 24 – August 23

We love to make a fuss. Given the opportunity, we enjoy jumping into action. Nothing will stop you from playing that game today. But it is not necessary. Everything’s fine. In fact, you’ll be much better able to keep a problem at bay if you don’t rush to accept it (or even try to stir things up just to show that a suspicion is well founded). No matter what is said, don’t let it distract you. If you really need to act, you’ll know. But hiding your head in the sand is more likely to work in your favor.

There is a Full Moon and your future can be revealed and changed. Pick up the phone! Call 0906 751 5605.


August 24 – September 23

The problem with this world is that it is full of people. It’s okay when you’re just passing them by. As soon as you get involved in the intricacies of their lives, it starts to get problematic. That’s when you realize they’re not the same as you. And they have not understood the fact that you have superior qualities! Perfection, after all, is not easily achieved. And you have worked long and hard to be as perfect as possible. So be kind to anyone you come in contact with today. They are just doing the best they can.

The latest forecast for your moon sign will touch your heart and lift your spirits. For inspirational advice, call 0906 751 5606.


September 24 – October 23

Why not reach for the stars? Deep down you know there is something to be gained and you don’t have to settle for less. So why not put your fears and worries aside and ignore the discouraging comments that are made? Other people may have low expectations, but that doesn’t mean they’re right, or that you should lower yours. Incredible possibilities are trying to make their way into your world. You just need to make sure you welcome them and have faith in their claim.

The Full Moon has a powerful message. For your spookily accurate prediction, call 0906 751 5607.


October 24 – November 22

It feels like you are missing an important resource. He may have ‘enough’, but he worries that if something goes wrong, even a little, he will find himself in a difficult position. There is no room for error. Although it is unsettling to live so close to the edge, you won’t be in this dangerous situation for long. You just need to be resourceful and confident. As long as you don’t waste precious energy by being overly cautious, you’ll find that you have enough of what you need. Have faith in yourself today.

Change your future! Call now for your personal Full Moon forecast. Contains valuable news. Call 0906 751 5608.


November 23 – December 21

Why bother spending all your time trying to solve a problem that will solve itself? If you’re feeling nervous and anxious, it’s because you think you need to directly intervene in a situation to make it work. Even if you’re not sure of your next move, you don’t doubt that you need to do something. But is that true? The Legacy of the Full Moon allows you to see that the difficulty is less than it seems. Going back and reassessing will help you see why trusting things to unfold is your best bet.

What will the Full Moon reveal? For news that makes your spine quiver and your heart leap, call 0906 751 5609.


December 22 – January 20

Light would not exist without shadow. Joy would be meaningless without sadness. As Johnny Burke sang: “If you want the things you love, you must have showers.” So when you hear thunder, don’t run under a tree. There will be pennies from heaven, for you and me. These lyrics urge us to embrace the messy and uncomfortable aspects of life on planet Earth. You don’t need a metaphorical umbrella today. Even if you see clouds gathering in the distance, there is no need to be afraid of the sound of thunder. Your perspective is brilliant.

Let the Full Moon reveal your future. For four minutes of valuable information, call: 0906 751 5610.


January 21 – February 19

If you find yourself dealing with an impossible situation today, you don’t need to put up with it. Even without a magic wand, you can do something to transform it. But it will mean a change in attitude. It’s almost as if he’s offended by the fact that he’s facing this problem, so much so that he’s not motivated to do anything about it. If that can go wrong, so can everything else. But that’s not true. The legacy of the Full Moon in your opposite sign means that you have power. use it

This Full Moon is powerful. You can change your life. Your latest forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5611.


February 20 – March 20

People say that if we want something done, we should ask a busy person. The idea, of course, is that they are already so busy that they won’t notice an extra task. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to do a good job. If a process requires careful thought and delicate decisions, it won’t be better handled by someone who already has too many plates to turn. Yes, you have a lot to deal with. But a particular problem cannot be rushed. Prioritize today. Be efficient and make sure you take full responsibility. It will save you time in the long run.

Big changes are expected between now and the next New Moon. For a spookily accurate prediction, call 0906 751 5612.

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