My teenage son was indoctrinated by the trans cult from the classroom to the clinic: Mother left ‘grieving’ for the boy who revealed desire to become a girl… spurred on by ‘activist teachers’

  • EXCLUSIVE: London mum-of-two heartbroken after son said he was trans

The mother of a teenager transitioning from male to female has revealed her son’s fears by telling her he wanted to be a girl.

The mother-of-two from London was left in shock two years ago when her then 17-year-old son announced he thought he had been born in the wrong body.

Jane – not her real name – spoke to MailOnline on condition of anonymity because she fears her son, now 19, would cut her out of his life if he knew how she really felt.

She said, β€œI feel very blessed to still have my child in my life. I still have hope.

‘It’s from classroom to clinic, that’s my story. My son is making himself ill in an irreversible way.

Jane (pictured) – not her real name – spoke to MailOnline on condition of anonymity because she fears her son, now 19, would cut her out of his life if he knew how she really felt

After Jane's son left school at 18, he went to a GP, who referred him to the scandal-ridden children's clinic, the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) in Tavistock (pictured)

After Jane’s son left school at 18, he went to a GP, who referred him to the scandal-ridden children’s clinic, the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) in Tavistock (pictured)

‘I can’t even describe the shock we were in. I said to him, “Do you know that we are grieving?”

‘When you speak [him] it’s like talking to a cardboard cutout of your child.

‘It’s like [he is] possessed.’

Last week, other parents of trans children pleaded with the Crown Prosecution Service to review gender identity guidelines amid fears that mothers and fathers could be prosecuted for domestic violence if they use their child’s original name or pronouns.

Jane said: ‘I know parents who have had the police chase them.

‘I’m not afraid. Some parents will be.

‘Try that. Try putting me in jail for saying my son is my son.

‘The gloves are off. I’m not going down without a fight.’

When her son was 17, he told his teachers he thought he was transgender.

They called him a ‘pioneer’ and called him by she/her pronouns.

After leaving school at 18, he went to a GP, who referred him to the scandal-ridden children’s clinic, the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) in Tavistock.

In 2022, a report by senior pediatrician Dr Hilary Cass concluded that GIDS was ‘not a safe or viable long-term option’ for children.

Her report shows that the center’s hormone treatment and assessment processes, along with its data collection and service model, need to be overhauled.

Dr. Cass concluded that the center was overwhelmed by the sheer number of referrals.

Former patients of the clinic accused the clinic of rushing children onto puberty-blocking drugs without challenging them about their feelings – a reference to the confirmation-only techniques favored by many in the Tavistock.

Jane said, β€œIt's a cult.  They sign their lives away.  I know he loves us, but he has been indoctrinated'

Jane said, β€œIt’s a cult. They sign their lives away. I know he loves us, but he has been indoctrinated’

GIDS transferred Jane’s son to the Adult Gender Identity Clinic, where he quickly received hormones that began his transition to womanhood.

Jane said, β€œWhen you’re a mother, your child comes first.

β€œYour life is consumed by this.

‘They are selling them a lie. His perception is that the NHS is trustworthy. They have been totally infiltrated by activists.”

β€œMy son goes in and says he’s transgender [his teachers] say ”good”. My son [had an] activist teacher.

‘It’s a cult. They sign their lives away. I know he loves us, but he has been indoctrinated.

‘How many children will be maimed?

‘When will the line be drawn?

“I just have to preserve the evidence so that when my son becomes the same.” [destrans] I can sue the school.”