My husband wanted to CANCEL our vacation at the last minute – so I went on the trip without him and now he’s FURIOUS with me

A woman has revealed she had a heated row with her husband after going on holiday without him because he didn’t want to spend the money on the trip despite having already made plans.

An anonymous woman, 29, took to Reddit to share that she and her 32-year-old husband had planned a trip to New Orleans, and that her husband had promised to buy the plane tickets if she booked the other activities at the destination.

However, a week before the trip, the unnamed man still had to buy the plane tickets, and now he begged his wife to cancel the trip altogether and get a residence permit.

But the woman has revealed she rejected his request and went on the trip anyway and has now wondered if she was wrong in a thread titled: ‘Am I the hole?‘for flying away alone.

A woman has revealed she had a heated argument with her husband after going on holiday without him because he didn’t want to spend the money despite having already made plans

She explained that the two had been talking about a trip to New Orleans for “months,” but she had planned most of the trip.

The message read: ‘My husband (32m) and I (29f) were planning a week’s vacation to New Orleans. We (but especially me) have been planning this for months.

‘In March I told him I would plan most of the trip, where I would go and what I had to do. All he had to do was make sure he had a week off and buy the plane tickets.”

She explained that over the past few months, she had booked a hotel room, made reservations at several restaurants, and even made a list of places to go and things to do.

And while she was making plans, her husband still had to buy the tickets.

She added: ‘Every few weeks I would contact my husband to see if he had asked if he had bought the tickets yet. He said he was waiting for airline ticket prices to drop.

‘Three weeks ago I reminded him again and he said he was off work for a few days but had forgotten to get the tickets. He looked online and the tickets cost almost $1,500 per ticket. He said he would wait a little longer to see if they would go down.”

However, the week before the trip, she again wondered if he had made their travel plans.

An anonymous woman, 29, took to Reddit to share that she and her 32-year-old husband had planned a trip to New Orleans, but her husband canceled (stock image)

This time, her husband said the tickets were way too expensive and asked his wife to cancel all bookings altogether, adding that the two could have a staycation instead.

‘Last week I asked if he had bought them yet and he said no. We looked again and the prices were still high.

‘He said he didn’t want to spend that much on it and asked how much money I would lose if I just canceled everything.

“He offered to have a nice stay instead. I told him I wasn’t willing to cancel everything because I spent so much time planning it. “We argued, but we didn’t come to a conclusion,” she said.

The 29-year-old noted that after their disagreement, she decided to buy her own ticket and flew out that weekend.

‘When I left on Saturday, I told him I was still going and he was surprised that I didn’t want to stay at his house.

“I’m in New Orleans right now and he blows up my phone and says I’m an AH because I’m still going without him. He also tried to get a ticket, but I told him if he came, he would get his own hotel room because this is now my vacation without him,” she said.

She wondered if she was an “asshole” for going on a trip without him.

She wondered if she was an “asshole” for going on a trip without him.

And while it seemed like the 29-year-old was doubting herself, people on the internet rushed to her defense and validated her actions.

One person said, “It also seems like they have some sort of separate finances so he was willing to throw OP money to the wind so he could save the money for plane tickets.

‘In my honest opinion he didn’t want to go at all and instead of communicating he came up with this crazy plan. Good for OP for going no matter what. I wonder if this is a common occurrence in their marriage.’

Another user added, “My mother taught me from a young age that if you don’t plan, you plan to fail. He had ONE job and that was to book the trip, but he couldn’t do it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. To enjoy! I love New Orleans.”

Someone else wrote, “Or maybe he thought that if he managed to get tickets at the last minute, OP would buy it anyway because she was so excited about the trip. So he could enjoy the trip and not waste his money on the tickets. It seems like that backfired on him.”

“Weaponized incompetence,” one user wrote.

Someone else added: ‘This screams armed incomitance. If he messes up on one task she asked him to do, she won’t even ask the next time. I bet the reason she only gave him this task is because he has a history of screwing up every task he’s given.”

Another user added: ‘He definitely didn’t want to go and is blaming you for not cancelling. He’s the bastard. Have fun OP. Make the most of your trip!’

And while it seemed like the 29-year-old was doubting herself, people on the internet rushed to her defense and validated her actions.

Someone else added, “He didn’t want to spend money on a vacation but was too cowardly to say it so instead he tried to force OP to stay home and it backfired on him so now he’s upset .’

“He probably thought she would pick up the thread and just go ahead and get the tickets. He probably does the same with the dishes and the like. Weaponized incompetence,” another person added.

Another user commented, “I agree. And I think it’s great that you and your husband enjoy vacationing together and separately. More people need this level of security.

OP…turn off your phone. And if there are people you MUST have, get a burner phone and share the number with those few people. He can’t screw this up… after he’s basically screwed it up. (Although I’m curious why you didn’t buy the tickets… no fault, I understand the principle of it. And ultimately this is his L, not yours). Go have fun sis!

“You know he would have complained the whole trip,” someone else wrote:

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