My hostel put me in a double bed with a man I’d never met

A woman travelling alone was ‘shocked’ when a hostel expected her to share a double bed with a male guest she had never met before.

The Australian arrived at her accommodation late in the evening and was looking forward to sleeping in her single bed in a mixed dormitory for a good night’s sleep.

But she got an “awkward” surprise when the hostel instead offered her half of a double bed already occupied by a male guest – and her own duvet cover.

The young woman shared the awkward scenario with an online travel group and asked them if shared beds are common in hostels.

ā€œQuestion, has anyone ever been offered a shared bed in a hostel? Iā€™m used to mixed dorms, but Iā€™m literally sharing a bed with a guy I donā€™t know,ā€ she asked.

“We both have our own duvet covers, but we sleep in the same bed. You can see that he feels just as uncomfortable about it as I do.”

When we asked if there was a possibility to change rooms, the hostel said that there were no other rooms available, so the only woman was left with the ‘wild’ sleeping arrangement.

“What should I do? It’s after 11pm so there’s not much I can do right now, but would I be crazy to try to find another place to stay tomorrow night?” she asked.

A solo woman traveler was shocked when her hostel expected her to share a double bed with a strange male guest

People unanimously agreed that the hostel had made a ‘wrong’ move, which they were certain was the result of a booking error.

They thought it was ‘madness’ that they were expected to share a double bed with a stranger, especially if the other person was of the opposite sex.

“A shared bed? With a man? Period, unacceptable. I wouldn’t even feel comfortable sharing the same sleeping space with a man, they owe you a refund,” said one woman.

ā€œSuppose he tried something (I’m not saying he would), but how can they think it’s okay for two strangers to share a bed, let alone a man and a woman,ā€ another woman agreed.

ā€œI would leave as soon as possible and report the hostel,ā€ said a third woman.

Others thought the uneasy arrangement would only be acceptable if both parties agreed to it in advance.

A Perth hostel manager said bedding was absolutely ā€œweirdā€ and only done at the specific request of a guest.

Unfortunately, some travelers have experienced the same embarrassing situation.

‘This seems to be a thing in some hostels, it’s so weird and I don’t get it. I always look at pictures of beds these days to avoid this,’ said one.

One woman thought that the fact that the male bed partner felt ā€œuncomfortableā€ was a sign that the only woman was safe for the night.

ā€œSince he’s respectful, I would just go to sleep and wait until morning… but I would definitely complain about it because he could have been a weirdo!ā€ she said.

Another woman couldn’t believe the unlikely situation had happened to someone in real life: ‘That’s insane! It sounds like the beginning of one of those cheesy romance movies.’