My High School Boyfriend Hasn't Stopped Messaging Since We Broke Up At 20 β€” Now His Wife Sends Me 'Creepy' Texts

A woman was shocked when she received very strange messages from her ex-high school boyfriend's wife.

The 35-year-old received a Facebook message from her ex's wife, saying her husband “can never forget” and “always truly loved her.”

She claimed her husband had 'settled' by marrying her and asked the woman to contact her former flame.

However, many were skeptical and thought the messages were actually from her old boyfriend posing as his wife in an attempt to win back his high school sweetheart.

β€œI blocked my ex from high school on everything. He continues to contact me for years through various mediums: Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. If he can find me on a new site, I will eventually get a message,” the woman explained in a Reddit. after.

β€œI woke up this morning to this message from HIS WIFE who he had a baby with last year, based on what I was told.”

She said she broke up with her high school boyfriend when they were 20 years old.

'This is insane. I feel sorry for his wife, but for Jesus. Leave me alone,” she said.

The woman said her husband “really misses” his ex and although they have had many “deep conversations,” he can never forget her.

'He loves you and can never forget you. He has settled for me, but in his heart he really doesn't want to be with me for life,” the message continued.

'He loves you. You hold his heart forever and that will never change. He misses you to the moon and back.'

The woman asked if the woman was “considering” contacting the man.

The woman said her ex has been messaging her on every possible platform since they broke up at the age of 20. Many online were convinced the tests were from the ex and not his wife (stock image)

“He's opened up to the fact that he always really loved you and that I was just a rebound,” she said.

She said she “can't see him sad much longer” and hopes the woman will talk to her husband in the future.

β€œHe misses you with all his heart,” she concluded the messages.

Hundreds quickly shared their disbelief, with many accusing the man of sending the messages himself.

“I think this is probably him and not his 'wife.' What woman would push her man towards another woman? Creepy,” one woman said.

'That's him pretending to be his wife. Please be safe. His behavior is concerning,” a second commented.

'Not his wife. Absolutely, he's pretending to be his wife. I could screenshot that and post it on their timeline and ask because if he did that to his wife she deserves to know,” a third wrote.

'Is it really his wife or is he pretending to be her, because I can't imagine a woman sent this to you? It looks very much like he sent it,” said another.

Others gave their advice on how to respond to the messages, saying: β€œI would respond by letting her know she deserves better. Then I would block her too.'

β€œEven if he pretends to be the woman, this is the best answer,” one person agreed.

The woman said she will not respond to the 'woman's' messages nor will she send screenshots to her other social media accounts letting her know that her husband is sending messages under her name.

β€œI don't want to have anything to do with this or give this man an excuse to come after me because the fact that he's still so in love over a decade later (I literally haven't seen him since I was 22) means he is completely unscathed,” she said.

“Like I'm a nice person with a decent face, but I'm not an ethereal goddess or something.”

Hours later, the woman received a message request on Instagram from a pet account of her ex, who apologized for his wife's text, but she was not convinced.

“You don't deserve that from her, she has a lot of guilt and when she drinks she immediately says: 'you need to be with x,y,z,'” the message read.

She said she thinks the people who suspected the texts were really from her ex and not his wife were from the money.

“I feel like this was all a ploy for him to start a conversation where he apologized for his wife's inappropriate behavior and tried to give the impression that he is a good guy now,” she said.