My girlfriend’s mother never liked me, so after she died I proposed at her funeral as we were finally free from her judgement – but people have criticised me and called me a ‘psycho’

A man has been ridiculed after revealing he proposed to his girlfriend at her mother’s funeral. One of the reasons he chose this moment is because they were “finally free” from her parents’ judgment.

The anonymous man, who is believed to live in the US, started working on it Reddit to share his story and ask people if they agreed with his girlfriend that it was a bad decision – prompting one forum user to call him a ‘psycho’.

In his post, he said he carried the ring with him at all times, hoping the “right moment” to ask for her hand in marriage would present itself, but it never did – this was partly, he said, because he “knew how ( his girlfriend’s advice) ) mother felt’ about him.

But he was left confused after getting down on one knee in her mother’s wake for a few hours and popping the question, only for his partner to respond: “Are you f*****g tone deaf?”

People commenting on his post were baffled by the man’s lack of empathy, with one commenting: ‘This must be fake. No one can be that insensitive.”

An anonymous man believed to be from the US was left stunned after everyone thought he was wrong for popping the question at his girlfriend’s mother’s funeral (stock image)

In his post, the man explained that his partner’s late mother never kept her dislike of him a secret, and that there was “no way” she would ever agree to a marriage between the couple.

He added that the deceased mother was “overly protective” of her daughter, not only because she was an only child, but also because her father had left.

According to the poster, his girlfriend’s mother also disapproved of the age difference when the couple started dating: she was 18 and he was 23 years old.

Her mother had died after being diagnosed with stage four breast cancer, and due to the severity of the condition, she decided to forego treatment and spend her last few weeks with her family before, in his words, finally ‘the camel’s back’. .

Describing why he decided to propose during the wake, he said that as the couple stood by the coffin, he suddenly thought to himself, “This is it, I’m going to ask her today.”

He decided to wait until they were no longer in front of her mother’s dead body and instead pop the question once they got back home where they were hosting the wake.

He revealed that a few hours after the wake, he took his girlfriend aside, recited the speech he’d had in his head since he knew he would one day propose, and then got down on one knee and asked her to marry his wife. become.

But he was stunned by his girlfriend’s response, who asked him if he was “damn tone deaf.”

The man wrote on Reddit that his girlfriend’s mother had never liked him, and that now that she had passed away he thought it was a good time to tie the knot.

He said he was confused about her reaction, as the moment could be seen as “kind of a metaphor”, and about making the most of life, although he admitted he could see how I was “the a**** * would be. e because the dirt is still fresh.’

But, he continued, he “couldn’t see a better time” to propose to his girlfriend of two years than at her mother’s funeral, because the couple was “finally free” from the views of her mother.

He explained that he told his friends what he had done and they called him insensitive. He said: ‘I had good intentions when I proposed and doesn’t every girl just want to marry the love of her life?’

Seeking others’ opinions on whether he’s the asshole for what he did, he then closed the post by asking, “Although it’s a plus that she never said no outright, right?”

Reddit users are baffled and dismayed by the man’s insensitivity towards his grieving partner.

One person commented: ‘Dirt was fresh’…what kind of demented person talks like that about his loved one’s mother whether he likes her or not.

‘Absolute psychopath. Girl, run.”

Another added: “Poor girl. Her mother was right about him. And my friend only saw it when her mother was gone.’

Some found it funny that the man assumed he was still in a relationship, writing, “It’s so funny that he thinks he still has a girlfriend. Guarantee she doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore. Quite frankly, unforgivable.”

One joked: ‘Huh. Usually it’s birthdays, not funerals, where you invite a clown.’

Others refused to believe the story could be real, saying, “It’s either a troll post or a post from a literal serial killer. No fucking way.”

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