My girlfriend hates my diet because I eat the same calorie-controlled meals every day – and she says it makes HER feel bad about herself

A fitness fanatic has been defended after revealing he refused to eat the same food as his girlfriend after claiming he was healthier than her.

The unidentified man took to Reddit to reveal that he has been sticking to a strict diet and workout routine to maintain his ripped physique.

However, his girlfriend is a ‘foodie’ and ‘eats a lot more’ than him, which is why she has asked him to change his diet as she often feels judged by him.

He took to the social media platform to question whether he was wrong in a thread titled: ‘Am I the hole?‘, after refusing to eat like she does every day.

A fitness fanatic has been defended after revealing he refused to eat the same food as his girlfriend after claiming he is healthier than her (stock image)

At the beginning of the post, he explained that he is a huge fitness fanatic and always makes sure he eats the right amount of calories.

Because of this, he tends to eat the same thing every day to ensure he stays on track.

He said: ‘I’m quite into health and fitness, and a big part of that is eating the right amount of calories + protein intake.

“I find calorie tracking tedious, and have never been a big foodie, so as a result I’ve started eating the same foods almost every day, and it works for me, even if it’s ‘boring’.”

The exercise enthusiast explains that he usually eats ‘oatmeal with fruit/nuts, eggs, protein shakes and vegetables’ every day.

And while the diet keeps him on track for his fitness goals, it has disrupted his relationship.

He noted that his lover has claimed that she feels “uncomfortable” about how “healthy” he eats.

‘My girlfriend says she feels uncomfortable with how healthy I eat. She is very healthy herself, but a foodie, and tends to cook/eat much more elaborate meals than I do.

The unidentified man took to Reddit to share that he sticks to a strict diet and workout routine to maintain his ripped physique

“She says my daily intake makes her feel like I’m secretly judging her for eating less healthily than I do,” the fitness fanatic said.

However, the man adamantly denied judging his partner and said he has no problem with her eating what she wants as long as she “still manages to feel and look good.”

He added: ‘I don’t do that because what works, works. If she can eat whatever she wants and still manage to feel good and look great, then sure.

“The same goes for me: If I can achieve my goals and not get tired of what may seem like a boring diet, then that’s fine with me.”

Despite telling his girlfriend that her eating habits don’t bother him, she still asks him to adjust his diet to match hers.

“The problem is she doesn’t agree and asks me to start eating her cooking/following her diet. I don’t mind doing this once or twice a week, but doing this every day would be detrimental to my goals, so I declined,” he explained.

At the end of the post, he said that after he refused, his girlfriend got “angry” and called him “inconsiderate.”

He then wondered if it was an ‘a**hole’.

People flooded the comments section and ran to his defense, calling his partner “insecure and ridiculous.”

People flooded the comments section and ran to his defense, calling his partner “insecure and ridiculous.”

One person said: ‘NTA, tell her to stop being insecure and ridiculous. Food is fuel and diet is extremely personal. Tell her you won’t compromise the comfort of what you put into your body simply because she feels unwarranted shame. Your health is your own, she won’t feel the effects of your changed diet, you will.’

Someone else said, “I mean, you’re not wrong, but OP, please don’t phrase it that way. Only if you do that will it end in a fight.”

Another person commented: ‘People can eat together, but not the same meal. There’s still the social aspect.’

‘Not the hole. You are an adult and can feed yourself however you want. That said, I love cooking for my love, and I love fancy dinner dates where we can dress up and try new dishes, especially when we’re traveling. I would be sad if I didn’t have that with my partner, and it could be a deal breaker. “I dated someone with a similar ‘boring’ diet and what ended up happening was I was doing everything I wanted with someone else until I realized I was missing out because I didn’t have that in common with my partner,” one person added to it.

Someone else commented: ‘Not the hole, absolutely not, don’t be forced to do something you don’t like.’

One person added: ‘Not the hole. It seems like this is an insecurity of hers. I know a few people who have had comments made about their eating habits in the past and are now insecure and hyper-aware of the possibility of people judging them about their food. Take it easy with her.

‘There is clearly a reason why she is concerned about this and there are quite a few comments here that seem to miss the perspective of the other side and talk nonsense about her. Empathy and understanding are the way forward and by helping her get to the root of the problem this will hopefully help remove the uncertainty.”

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