My friend is furious that I ‘ruined’ her gender reveal by blurting out the gender of the baby


A pregnant woman has come under fire online after accusing a friend of ruining her gender reveal party by telling her the gender of the baby in advance.

The anonymous woman’s friend led Reddit to share her story in the Am I the A****** section, where she asked for people’s opinions on the stage.

In her post, she explained that after her ultrasound, the friend had the baby’s gender written on a piece of paper and sealed in an envelope.

Without looking at the paper, the friend had given it to the poster and asked her not to reveal the answer even if she asked.

A pregnant friend criticized a woman after she shared details about the sex of her baby ahead of the gender reveal party (file photo)

The post read: ‘My (27f) friend (29F) is pregnant. She wanted to do a gender reveal so she at her 20 week ultrasound she asked the ultrasound tech to write the gender on a piece of paper she put it in an envelope and gave it to me.

“She wanted me to order those smoke cannons so that she, her husband and their children would appear in a photo shoot to reveal who their new baby will be. Personally, I don’t see the point in them, but she made my friend happy and I was honored that she entrusted me with such a secret.

‘When he handed me the envelope he made me swear that under no circumstances would I tell him what it was no matter how much he begged me, nor would I tell anyone else. I agreed.’

The post continued: ‘Fast forward, I’ve had this envelope for 2 weeks now, I’ve ordered the cannons and the gender reveal is in a few days. For the past 2 weeks my friend has HARASSED me with texts begging me to tell her what it is but then she follows up with “not really I don’t want to know”.

An anonymous woman took to Reddit to ask for people's input on her situation, in which a pregnant friend was furious with her for revealing the gender of her baby.

An anonymous woman took to Reddit to ask for people’s input on her situation, in which a pregnant friend was furious with her for revealing the gender of her baby.

‘And it’s only been going back and a quarter like that. The texts were annoying but I just ignored them and understood that she was just excited. But the last 3 days he had started harassing me at work – I work in an office and am in and out of meetings all day.

“After the first day of a call at my work, I asked him to relax and stop calling me at work. I reminded her that he made me promise that she wouldn’t tell him and that she would find out soon.

‘This is where I can be the son of a bitch, I had a horrible day at work with one particular client who was a giant PAITA. I was stuck in a meeting with this client and the receptionist stuck her head in and said she had an urgent phone call, I thought it might have been my kids’ school so I excused myself and took the call. He was my “friend” AGAIN.

“I just snapped and told him if he wanted to know so badly, it’s a boy!” And then I hung up the phone. My husband thinks I’m right because there isn’t much a person can take. But our mutual friends call me AH because I should have kept quiet.

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Respondents seemed unanimous in their condemnation of the pregnant woman, many of whom said calling the cartel at work crossed an important line.

Respondents seemed unanimous in their condemnation of the pregnant woman, many of whom said calling the cartel at work crossed an important line.

She went on to add an addendum to the post, explaining that her group of friends had been upset that the pregnant friend had left details about her own behavior, in which she relentlessly harangued the cartel, out of the story.

Respondents to the post appeared to be unanimous in their condemnation of the friend, with many saying she had crossed a line by calling the cartel at work.

One wrote: ‘NTA [not the a******] He crossed the line when he started calling you at work.

Another agreed, adding: ‘NTA, you crossed a line (heck, you saw a fence and jumped it) when you had yourself pulled out of a meeting under the guise of an urgent call.

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The posters described the pregnant woman as out of character for calling the poster at work and pulling her out of a meeting.

The posters described the pregnant woman as out of character for calling the poster at work and pulling her out of a meeting.

‘She made you worry about a potential emergency, jeopardized your professional reputation, and could have cost you and your employer financially if you lost a client, list your job.

“Most people would find the onslaught of text messages unreasonable, but I think most people would try the hotline to call someone” during business hours. If some people still believe you were wrong, IT WAS THE ONLY WAY TO MAKE IT STOP.

And a third said: ‘Calling you at work was out of line, and saying it was urgent was out of line. You are not nta in any way. He would have sent her a singing telegram on the subject.

Others said that the pregnant woman had been unreasonable even before calling the cartel to work, and some suggested that she had been selfish and immature.

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Meanwhile, many other posters criticized the woman for being unreasonable, regardless of calling the poster at work.

Meanwhile, many other posters criticized the woman for being unreasonable, regardless of calling the poster at work.

One wrote: “Just because she’s pregnant and excited doesn’t give her the excuse to be so delusional.” What insane person endlessly begs someone to tell them something and takes it back multiple times? So, does this call you so much and intensely to work? What? And when OP finally gave up and answered WHAT SHE ASKED, does she get mad? Is she okay in her head?

Another added: ‘If she really wanted to know, she could have called her OB or just gone online to find out.

“She was harassing her friend because she knew she could have a way out without finding out the gender. So selfish and out of control.

And a third agreed, writing: ‘Exactly. I would tell the “friend” the first time she asked because that’s how you treat adults: they can decide for themselves if and when they want to know and not act like little kids.

“I’m getting hormones and excitement, but this behavior is crazy and I wonder if this person is stable enough to become a parent.”