My dogs are so huge that people often mistake them for BEARS – but they’re gentle giants

A dog owner claims her four-legged friends are so big and hairy that people stop her in the street to ask if they are bears.

Newfoundland terriers Leo and Teddy weigh 70 and 75 kilos (11 and 11.8 st), which is comparable to the average British woman.

Although the dogs are taller than their owner, Sanela Becovic, 44, who is 175cm tall, they are both gentle giants.

The librarian bought Teddy, six, from a breeder when he was ten weeks old, and Leo, four, when he was eight weeks old. They cost €1,300 (£1,138) and €1,800 (£1,576) respectively.

The giant puppies have earned celebrity status in Laholm, Sweden, where they live with Sanela.

Sanela is regularly stopped by passers-by as she walks the dogs, and everyone in town knows them by name.

“We live in a small town and everyone here knows them, but we still get stopped by people,” she explained.

“It's hard to find seats because people always stop us to talk and pet the dogs.”

They may be gentle giants, but they still often startle passersby as they walk through Laholm.

“People tell us they look like bears, they ask us 'what is that, is it a bear?'” Sanela said.

One of the reasons Sanela bought Teddy was his resemblance to a bear.

The librarian was afraid of dogs before she had Teddy, but wanted a huge fluffy bear to cuddle, and this was as close as she could get.

She said: 'I was terrified of dogs but I was going through a tough time and always wanted a big bear to cuddle.

The Newfoundland terriers Leo and Teddy are so big and furry that people think they are bears

Teddy (pictured) weighs 75 kilos (11.8), which is comparable to the average British woman

Sanela, 44, was afraid of dogs before she had Teddy but wanted a huge fluffy bear to cuddle, and this was as close as she could get

The dogs live with Sanela and her husband Thomas Petterson (photo) in Laholm, Sweden

“It's hard to explain, but I wanted one, and Newfoundlands are gentle, cuddly and have a lot of hair – it was perfect.”

The big dogs are quite spoiled by Sanela and her husband, Thomas Petterson, 50 – they get everything they want.

The couple bought a new car so they could fit the dogs in the boot, which set them back €130,000 (£113,897).

They even took the time and added a ramp that would make their dogs' outings more comfortable by helping them climb into it.

'It's actually a minivan that we converted into Teddy and Leo's special car. We bought a special mattress and took out the seats,” Sanela explained.

The car wasn't the only accommodation they made. Shortly after Leo's arrival, the couple rented a new apartment for the puppies.

Their old flat was too small, so they opted for another one that cost them 400 euros more per month, including another bedroom.

“It was worth it, I plan on turning the extra bedroom into Teddy and Leo's room,” the 44-year-old explained.

However, Sanela is wary of people who think owning a Newfoundland is as expensive as she has made it.

“You don't have to put that much money into it, I don't have any kids, so they're my kids,” she said.

“I'm obsessed with it and spend a lot more money on it than normal people.”

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