My daily horoscope: what does May 23, 2023 mean for MY zodiac sign? Oscar Cainer tells it all

Dear Oscar, You mentioned busy people getting things done because they don’t notice extra tasks. But I think they achieve more because they are more organized! What do you think? Ken

Dear Ken,

I realize I’m too busy because I’m disorganized! There are many vying for our attention below today’s Mars/Jupiter link. If we use our resources wisely, we can handle it. Relief! Oscar

read more horoscopes from MailOnline.


March 21 – April 20

When we crave a snack, we tend to be picky. When we’re hungry, we chew what’s in the fridge. When we are thirsty, we drink our favorite drink. When our throats are parched, nothing tastes better than water. If your ruler, Mars, has ties to bountiful Jupiter, you’re being offered what you need (rather than what you think you want). This may sound like second best. That’s only because you don’t realize what you need and how much you need it. But you will soon see. Make the most of your opportunities. Your latest in-depth four-minute forecast contains inspiring news. Call 0906 751 5601.


April 21 – May 21

Shouldn’t you be doing something else? Do you really have time to read this? And if you were to focus on something else, would you still wonder if you were doing the right thing? Sometimes we feel tense no matter what we do. Today is one of those days where no matter what you focus on, you feel a little out of your skin. It’s almost like having too much caffeine in your veins. As long as you know that this feeling will pass, you can achieve a lot (even if it doesn’t bring you satisfaction). For advice to guide you through the twists and turns of your week, call your four-minute forecast: 0906 751 5602.

Astrology expert Oscar Cainer (pictured) says there’s a lot clamoring for our attention these days


May 22 – June 22

When we achieve balance in our lives, we feel satisfied. When we are too busy, we become anxious. When we don’t have enough to do, we feel tired and frustrated: bogged down with responsibilities and overwhelmed with a lack of purpose. The same goes for all aspects of our lives. When we become preoccupied with one theme, we tend to overlook another, and over time we begin to feel that disparity. Today, the cosmos offers a chance to reset the scales and find a sense of balance. How do you stay focused and happy? Your weekly forecast gives you the help you need. Call 0906 751 5603.


June 23 – July 23

We can save our money and keep it in a bank for a rainy day. In theory, we can apply the same technique to positive energy. If you are kind to someone, the kindness will eventually be returned (although not necessarily by the person you were generous to). Of course, many sources do not adhere to this rule. A good night’s sleep will not refresh you forever: you have to repeat the practice. Just because you have to repeat a step doesn’t mean you did something wrong. It is an essential part of the process. Do you need help? What is the best way to move forward and ensure success? Call your weekly forecast: 0906 751 5604.


July 24 – August 23

You face a series of hurdles. Although you are surrounded by offers of help, they all come with conditions. First, you must be willing to learn a lesson. For another, you have to take on more responsibilities. A third requires you to show creativity and determination. Expectations are high. But even though this project will challenge and challenge you, you have the experience and qualities you need. If you take it one step at a time, you will find that you enjoy the challenge and that you succeed. You don’t have to worry. All you need is some guidance. Your forecast for the coming week can help with that. Call 0906 751 5605.


August 24 – September 23

Just because you don’t like making a fool of yourself doesn’t mean you don’t have a great sense of humor. If the part of the fool needs to be played, you can do that. But you feel foolish when you get a result that deviates from the goal you wanted to achieve. Will your plans work out the way you want? That is impossible to predict. But whatever the outcome, you’ll eventually have reasons to celebrate. And there will be no need to worry about your integrity. Your choices are perfect. You’d be crazy to stop now. Your forecast for the week ahead will help you see the bigger picture and keep you moving in the right direction. Call 0906 751 5606.


September 24 – October 23

When cornered, ministers often claim they are ‘doing the right thing’. The fact that they can’t explain what makes their actions OK becomes irrelevant and the explanation allays concerns that they might be doing the “wrong thing.” The world is full of people who convince themselves that wrong things are right. If you want to know if you’re on the right track, be prepared to check it honestly for shortcomings. What does your heart desire and how can you achieve what you really want? Call your weekly forecast: 0906 751 5607.

There are many vying for our attention below today's Mars/Jupiter link.  If we use our resources wisely, we can handle it.  Stock image used

There are many vying for our attention below today’s Mars/Jupiter link. If we use our resources wisely, we can handle it. Stock image used


October 24 – November 22

Take the most glamorous celebrity you can imagine. Now imagine them surrounded by the dishes, dealing with hungry toddlers and struggling to find money to put in the electricity meter. We can all look good when life is easy. It is much more challenging when we are dealing with difficult real life problems. Maybe you’re not feeling your best right now. But you are dealing with a tricky and complex scenario. . . and you work real magic. You deserve to be proud of how you handle it. Curious about more? There’s valuable news in your latest four-minute in-depth forecast. Call 0906 751 5608.


November 23 – December 21

There’s a reason creative minds lead chaotic lives: order doesn’t breed inspiration. Great imagination thrives in turmoil. Unless something falls apart, there’s no need to find innovative ways to fix it. In the same way, you will not find an ingenious solution until you have recognized that you have a problem. Fortunately, the cosmos shines a light on your challenge. Today offers you a chance to open your eyes to a truth and find a brilliant solution. Success is about attitude and timing. Your four-minute forecast will help you make positive changes. Call 0906 751 5609.


December 22 – January 20

Do you ever wonder if moving to another area, changing jobs or changing your lifestyle would free yourself from your relentless obligations? As a Capricorn, you can no more escape your duties than you can separate yourself from your shadow! Fortunately, it is not necessary to activate a major life-changing plan. Whether you’re looking for positive change (or not), it’s coming your way. You do not have to do anything. Improvements unfold naturally. You have so much to look forward to. Find the inspiration you need in your last four-minute prediction. Call 0906 751 5610.


January 21 – February 19

Even superheroes have holidays. Their busy lives include moments to rest and relax, when they can wash their lycra and catch up on their favorite TV shows. As for great Aquarians? You don’t have such luxury in your life. Even if you manage to take physical breaks, your mind is still working overtime to come up with solutions to everyone else’s problems. But the good you do is immense. And the satisfaction you get will more than make up for your efforts. What’s in the air for you? Handy Planetary Alignments! For the good news in your in-depth forecast, call 0906 751 5611.


February 20 – March 20

‘Instinct’ and ‘intuition’ sound synonymous, but they are not. Usually precise distinctions do not matter. But there is one exception: when it comes to trust. The question today is whether you can trust the message your intuition is sending you. Know that intuition whispers of potential, while instinct warns of possible risks. Concentrate on the first. A realization gives you the reassurance you need to fully invest in an exciting step towards a happier future. Resolving problems. Relieves problems. Find solutions! In your last prediction you discover something very useful. Call 0906 751 5612.

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