My Daily Horoscope: What does January 7th 2023 bring for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer tells all


After several months of retrograde motion, the red planet Mars harmonizes with Venus before changing direction this week. It might generate some racy moments, but we’ll all find it easier to communicate with genuine passion.

Read more horoscopes in MailOnline.


March 21 – April 20

You have been struggling to set your own agenda and separate your problems from someone else’s. It’s as if she had no choice but to conform to her wishes and demands. That is about to change. As her ruler bonds with Venus before moving forward once more, she has the power to create boundaries that suit you. Here comes the clarity she needs to assess a situation and address an imbalance of power. Knowing where you are (and what you’re prepared to do) will rekindle your enthusiasm.

For surprisingly encouraging news about your outlook, call your 2023 forecast: 0906 751 5601.

What does January 7, 2023 bring for MY zodiac sign?  Oscar Cainer (pictured) tells it all

What does January 7, 2023 bring for MY zodiac sign? Oscar Cainer (pictured) tells it all


April 21- May 21

If you want to look ten years younger, you can decide to go on a diet, invest in a cosmetic procedure, or make a bold decision. While the first two methods will be somewhat expensive (and will only do a temporary job), the other will keep you young (and might even make you richer). So… does it involve something overwhelmingly difficult? Not! This week, as your ruler, Venus, links up with Mars, it allows you to decide what is most important and give it more commitment. This will change the way you look and feel in every way!

There is hope on your horizon! There is valuable news in his predictions for the coming year. Call 0906 751 5602.


May 22 – June 22

The problem with being adaptable is that we find ways to put up with all kinds of situations that we shouldn’t have to put up with. Some people live for years looking at wallpaper they hate or put up with noisy neighbors. They simply find an internal mechanism that allows them to ‘cope’. If we can handle that, it’s no wonder we can handle adversity and difficulty, too. Are you holding on longer than you should? This week, it’s time to draw the curtains and let the sun in.

2023 will be a much better year than you think! For news on what to expect, call 0906 751 5603.

After several months of retrograde motion, the red planet Mars harmonizes with Venus before changing direction this week.

After several months of retrograde motion, the red planet Mars harmonizes with Venus before changing direction this week.

After several months of retrograde motion, the red planet Mars harmonizes with Venus before changing direction this week.


June 23 – July 23

Grab your deer stalker and start looking for clues… a mystery is unfolding before your very eyes this week, and it’s in your best interest to solve it. However, you must first decide what type of investigator you are going to be. If the idea of ​​being one of those detectives who assumes the worst and jumps to obvious (wrong) conclusions doesn’t appeal to you, then you need to turn to your intuition. And trust your ability to form a subtle and accurate assessment. Think creatively. This case reveals a vital clue to his future.

Do you want to know what 2023 holds for you? For inspiring news about the coming year, call 0906 751 5604.


July 24 – August 23

Life on planet Earth offers us a heterogeneous mix of tastes and experiences. From soft joys and precious pleasures, hope, generosity and positive energy, to problems and trauma, stress and struggle, discomfort and difficulties. All of which raises an important question: how can you be full of all those things at the same time? And if it is ‘full’, why does it sometimes feel empty? As Mars and Venus link up, you get a boost of self-confidence. It allows you to see that a situation that has been troubling you is easy (and quick) to deal with.

2023 has great potential for you! For a detailed guide to your annual outlook, call 0906 751 5605.


August 24 – September 23

Something change. You’re not so sure how you feel. Your emotions have been agitated. A series of intense encounters have led you to question yourself and your assumptions. Strangely, even though this has made you feel vulnerable, you can’t ignore a growing sense of excitement. Vulnerability makes us more sensitive. If you can allow yourself to grow and change, you can move away from the metaphorical armor that has been weighing you down and enjoy a lightness of being that brings joy.

Don’t miss their annual forecast and financial outlook for 2023. For inspiring news, call 0906 751 5606.


September 24 – October 23

If you look for it, you can find beauty in the ugliest situations. You can find hope in disappointment and magic in the mundane tasks of everyday life. The fact that they are not easy to see makes each discovery more satisfying. This week, you will find yourself having to deal with issues that you would rather not have to deal with. They don’t match your New Years expectations. But the link between Mars and Venus puts you in a powerful position. There is a silver lining to every cloud. By changing the way you look at things, you will find treasure.

There are good reasons to be optimistic! Things may turn out well in 2023. Call your annual forecast: 0906 751 5607.


October 24 – November 22

Although laziness and stupidity share similarities, they are very different. It’s hard to determine which one is at work because both lead to mistakes being made and fixes overlooked. You are solving a complicated situation. It would be easier if you knew why someone is acting unhelpfully. Are they being uncooperative or accidentally unhelpful? Do they refuse to see the obvious or are they unable to understand what is happening? Before you act, make sure you are sure. They could be doing everything possible.

The cosmos is on your side in 2023. Find out how you can benefit from the luck and fortune it brings. Call 0906 751 5608.


November 23 – December 21

If it’s true that ‘you are what you eat’, I must be a Margherita pizza. And you? They also tell us that ‘we become like the company we keep’. Let’s just hope this isn’t true either or we could both be in trouble! We are what we are, of course. Although we can be influenced by other people, we cannot be fundamentally altered. There is a situation in your world for which you must take full responsibility. Eat what you like. Talk to whoever you choose. But don’t let anyone take over your plans. They are yours… and they are excellent.

Let 2023 bring the change you desire. For encouraging news about your fortune, call 0906 751 5609.


December 22 – January 20

You are right to be proud of your talents and abilities. He can’t solve every problem that comes his way (or know all the answers), but he’s not too proud to admit that he’s out of his depth. Which means you don’t fool anyone or lead them down any garden path. If you’re not sure about something this week, don’t be afraid to admit it. Your honesty will give another person the opportunity to share your skills, and together you will find the missing information. It will also deepen a relationship in a surprising and charming way.

Gain power over your future! The New Year heralds an opportunity for you to transform your life. Call 0906 751 5610.


January 21 – February 19

Here is a cake that I made earlier. Do you want a piece? Come on, help yourself. You can eat as much as you want and offer it to your nearest and dearest as well. Rather miraculously, it self-replenishes! In real life, we’re not supposed to have our cake and eat it. But, with Venus settling in your sign, the cosmos brings a whole host of goodies your way. Just because too much of a good thing will eventually be bad for you, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the gifts on offer now. You deserve it? You definitely do.

For news to help make 2023 the year your dreams come true, call your annual forecast: 0906 751 5611.


February 20 – March 20

Sometimes we need to take action. And sometimes we have to hold back. But it gets tricky when we can’t tell what kind of time it is! You’re currently dealing with one of those situations where you’re not sure whether to jump in or wait patiently and let things play out. It is not easy to be insecure. But it is better to be uncertain than to force yourself to make a decision. The truth is that you need to take action and be patient! Make a change, but try not to imagine the result. Wait… and the best result will be produced.

Start 2023 with optimism and hope. Don’t miss your forecast for the coming year. For inspiring news, call 0906 751 5612.

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