My BT broadband is so slow and hasn’t been working for a week can I cancel my contract? DEAN DUNHAM replies

My BT broadband is really slow and hasn’t worked for the last week. Can I cancel my contract?

Kelvin Stiles, Hampshire

In April 2021, communications regulator Ofcom introduced a voluntary automatic compensation scheme. Under this, broadband and fixed line customers will automatically receive a payout from their provider when they experience a loss of service, if their circumstances meet the requirements of the scheme.

As BT is taking part in this scheme, you are entitled to compensation of £9.76 per day until service is restored if the service has been unavailable for more than two full working days and the loss of service was not caused by faulty equipment or activity in your home.

If your broadband connection is slow, this could lead to you cancelling your contract.

To determine how much compensation you are entitled to, you must take the following five steps.

1) Keep a daily log of the speed you are receiving for two weeks. You can find this out with an online internet speed checker and take a screenshot of the results each time.

2) Find out what speed you were promised when you signed the contract and see how this compares to what you would normally actually receive.

3) Read the provider’s terms and conditions to see what they say about internet speeds. In particular, see if the terms state that the broadband speed advertised when you signed up for the service is not guaranteed and is instead the maximum speed you can expect, and if there is a ‘minimum’ speed mentioned anywhere.

A statement of a maximum speed you can achieve is not a promise that you will achieve that speed and is therefore not a contractual promise that you can hold the provider to. Your contract may also warn of factors that could affect the speed you receive, so you should check this carefully as well.

4) If after investigation you feel that you are not getting the speed you were promised, file a complaint with your provider and make sure you include a copy of your diary entries and the screenshots of the speed check results. This shows that you have evidence to support your complaint.

5) If your provider is unable to help you, you can file a complaint with the recognised alternative dispute resolution service.

My water bill has quadrupled this year and can’t be right, so I’ve refused to pay. Despite an obvious billing error, my water supplier is now threatening legal action. What can I do?

Erin Groen, Northampton

The first thing you need to determine is whether you have a water leak, as this is a common cause of excessive bills. You should therefore tell the water company that you think this is a possibility and ask them to investigate, after which they should suspend your account. This will stop all enforcement action until the investigation is completed. If there is a leak, the responsibility for repairing it will depend on the location.

The water company is responsible for the underground water lines and usually the communication line, which is the part of the service line that runs from the lines to the boundary of your property.

Outside stopcocks are also usually owned by the water company and must be maintained by them. In most cases, you will be responsible for maintaining the supply line, which is the section of service line from the boundary of your property – usually where the water meter and stopcock are located – into the property itself.

If there is a leak and it is the water company’s responsibility, they should adjust your bills so that you only pay for the water that your property has used. If the leak is your responsibility, ask the water company what their policy is, as many offer a one-time free repair or subsidized repairs to their customers.

If your issue is still not resolved despite the above steps, you can escalate your case to the Consumer Council for Water (CWW). This is an independent organisation that represents the interests of consumers. They have the power to investigate most complaints. More information can be found here:

If you are not satisfied with the CCW’s response, you can appeal.

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