Muslim leader ‘Brother Ismail’ insists ‘jihad is the solution’ as he compares Palestinian ‘freedom fighters’ to white colonialism in Australia at Sydney’s Al Madina Dawah Center

A fiery Muslim cleric has told a Sydney audience that “jihad is the solution” whether the “Australian government likes it or not”, and compared claims of Hamas terrorism to white colonialism in Australia.

In a sermon posted on YouTube by the Al Madina Dawah Center in Bankstown, western Sydney, ‘Brother Ismail’ blasted the Australian government, saying he did not care if his actions led to his deportation, and named Anthony Albanese a ‘hypocrite’.

In the clip, seen by Ny Breaking Australia, the community activist compared Hamas’ terror attacks on Israel to Indigenous Australians’ response to colonization.

“Whether the Australian government likes it or not, whether the ASIO likes it or not, whether they want to deport me from Australia or not. Jihad is the solution,” he shouted to the crowd, which included children.

“The youth are now boiling with emotions and anger about what is happening to their brothers and sisters in Palestine.”

A fiery Muslim cleric has told an audience in Sydney’s southwestern suburb of Bankstown that “jihad is the solution” whether the “Australian government likes it or not” and referred to Palestinian “freedom fighters”. The photo shows pro-Palestinian protesters

The community activist told the crowd that Palestinian “freedom fighters” were being wrongly described as “terrorists.”

“That hypocritical Albanian, when he entered and defiled one of the mosques, said that we love and respect Muslims. Not long after, Allah revealed his lies when he said that Israel has the right to defend itself, when he labeled Hamas as terrorists,” Brother Ismail said.

“We say to anyone who says Hamas is terrorists: have you really forgotten your dark history? Have you really forgotten what your ancestors did to the indigenous people of this country… how they raped their women to change the color of their skin?

‘How you chained them like dogs. And you want to come and teach us about morality and humanity and what terrorism is. Have you forgotten when every year you celebrate the massacre you inflicted on the indigenous people?’

In a video posted on YouTube by the Al Madina Dawah Center, Brother Ismail (pictured) says he does not care if his actions lead to the government deporting him.  He calls Anthony Albanese a

In a video posted on YouTube by the Al Madina Dawah Center, Brother Ismail (pictured) says he does not care if his actions lead to the government deporting him. He calls Anthony Albanese a “hypocrite.”

NSW Police are investigating what the cleric said in the video.

“NSW Police are aware of the comments and have commenced an investigation,” a spokesperson said.

“As these investigations are ongoing, we are unable to provide any further information at this time.”

Ny Breaking Australia has contacted the Al Madina Dawah Center for comment.