Muslim boy killed in Chicago hate crime remembered as playful and kind

Crowds of mourners in a heavily Palestinian suburb of Chicago paid tribute Oct. 16 to a 6-year-old Muslim boy killed in an alleged hate crime, hours after authorities revealed new details about the evidence used to accuse the family’s landlord of stabbing the child and his mother.

Wadea Al-Fayoume, who recently celebrated a birthday, died on October 14 after being stabbed dozens of times in a brutal attack that drew condemnation from local elected officials and the White House. Authorities said the family’s landlord, Joseph Czuba, was angry about the war between Israel and Hamas and attacked them after the boy’s mother suggested they “pray for peace.”

In Bridgeview, home to a large and established Palestinian community, family and friends remembered Wadea as an energetic boy who enjoyed playing games. His body was carried in a small white coffin – sometimes covered with a Palestinian flag – through a packed crowd.