Sydney mum Kirsten Samuel accused of almost hitting a cop car and being six times over the limit on her way to school pick-up

A ‘very drunk’ Sydney mother nearly crashed into a police car on her way to pick up her child from school after a breath test showed she was nearly six times over the legal limit.

Kirsten Samuel, 43, was charged with drink driving after she attracted attention just 100 yards from her Baulkham Hills home on September 9.

Officers were patrolling the freeway when they reportedly saw a silver Toyota Camry pull out of the on-ramp on Conie Avenue, narrowly missing a police vehicle.

Samuel was arrested and it “quickly became apparent that she was heavily under the influence,” police said.

She was breathalysed at the scene and reportedly returned a reading of 0.371, more than seven times the legal limit. She told police she was on her way to pick up her children from school. Daily Telegraph reported.

Sydney mother Kirsten Samuel (pictured) was on her way to school when she nearly hit a police car and reportedly received a breath test result almost six times the legal limit.

NSW Traffic and Highway Command posted this photo on social media following Samuel’s arrest

Samuel was arrested and taken to Castle Hill police station, where she was breathalysed for the second time. The reading was 0.269, still almost six times over the legal limit.

She was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs and her car keys were confiscated.

Samuel’s driver’s license was also revoked on the spot.

Her first talk was later shared on Facebook by the NSW Traffic and Highway Patrol as a reminder to motorists not to drink and drive.

Samuel is due to appear in Parramatta District Court next month.

It is reportedly the first time she has been charged with drunk driving.

Kirsten Samuel (pictured) had her car keys confiscated and her driver’s license revoked

She still made a confession.

Samuel declined to comment when contacted by the publication.

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